
This method commits the database transaction.


// C#
public void Commit();


InvalidOperationException – If the connection is closed or if the connection is enlisted in System.Transactions.

System.ObjectDisposedException – This property cannot be accessed after the OracleConnection object is already disposed.


This method allows the user to commit an implicit or explicit local transaction using an OracleConnection object. It has the same behavior as the OracleTransaction Commit method. However, there are instances when this method is necessary to invoke without the OracleTransaction object available, such as an implicit transaction using “SELECT … FOR UPDATE” or an implicit transaction executing an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement with auto-commit disabled.

This method should not encounter any exceptions when the connection is within an explicit local transaction, implicit local transaction, or not associated with a transaction. This method cannot be executed on a connection enlisted in System.Transactions (local or distributed).

When an explicit transaction begins, auto-commit is disabled regardless of the AutoCommit property value. Once the Commit method is invoked, AutoCommit reverts backs to true if it was earlier enabled. Transaction isolation level will also reset to its earlier value on the OracleConnection object upon the commit.