
This property specifies whether local configuration file access, such as to wallet and tnsnames.ora files, is allowed from centralized configuration providers.


// C#
public bool RemoteConfigurationFiltering { get; set; }

Property Type



By default, RemoteConfigurationFiltering is set to true. However, the property is ignored unless the connection string is populated with an URL.

When true, local file access is disallowed from centralized configuration providers to wallet, token, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora files. When false, local file access is allowed.

This property is intended for cloud deployments in which local file access is generally eschewed. Nonetheless, it can be used for on-premises deployments to limit local ODP.NET file access. The fundamental requirement is that an URL must be furnished for each connection string property.

For the centralized configuration providers, RemoteConfigurationFiltering affects the following connection attributes:

  • tns_admin

  • token_location

  • wallet_location

token_location and wallet_location values can be URLs of cloud key vault secrets that store Base64 formatted strings of token data and wallet data, respectively. In a development environment, token_location and wallet_location values can be also the Base64 formatted strings of token data and wallet data. These values are not considered local file access and can be used when RemoteConfigurationFiltering is true.