
This method associates the Azure Active Directory token authentication settings with the OracleConnection object for use upon the next connection open.


// C#
public static void UseAzureTokenAuthentication(this OracleConnection @this, 
AzureTokenAuthentication azureTokenAuthentication = null)


azureTokenAuthenticationAzureTokenAuthentication object reference. Default value is null.


This method accepts an AzureTokenAuthentication object reference, which ODP.NET uses for access token retrieval upon opening a connection. Once opened, the object becomes read-only and cannot be modified further.

If multiple connections use the same AzureTokenAuthentication object reference, connection string, and pool identifiers, then all those connections will be part of the same connection pool.

If the AzureTokenAuthentication object reference is omitted, ODP.NET only uses token parameters configured through tnsnames.ora, Easy Connect Plus, sqlnet.ora, SEPS wallet, and/or Azure .NET SDK environment variables. These parameters values then act as connection pool identifiers.