
This method returns the provider-specific type of the specified column.


// C#public override Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int index);


  • index

    A zero-based column index.

Return Value

The provider-specific type of the specified column. This is a member of the Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace.


IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.

InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed, or the specified column is a UDT but no registered custom type mapping exists for the UDT.


GetProviderSpecficFieldType returns a type that corresponds to the value the application obtains after invoking the GetProviderSpecificValue accessor on the OracleDataReader. For example, if the column is a string, this method returns a .NET Type object for an OracleString.

If the attribute is a UDT, this method may return any of the following:

  • A .NET Type of the custom type, if the column is an Oracle object or Oracle collection column and a custom type mapping exists.

  • A .NET Type of OracleRef if the column is an Oracle REF.

For VECTOR columns, an OracleString is returned.