18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET OpenTelemetry and Metrics Classes

This chapter describes ODP.NET OpenTelemetry classes and objects. OracleDataProviderInstrumentationOptions Class is available through ODP.NET Core and managed ODP.NET. AddOracleDataProviderInstrumentation extension method is available through Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.OpenTelemetry NuGet package, which can be used with ODP.NET Core and managed ODP.NET.

public static TracerProviderBuilder AddOracleDataProviderInstrumentation(this TracerProviderBuilder 
builder, Action<OracleDataProviderInstrumentationOptions> configureInstrumentationOptions = null) 

Client applications call this extension method to enable OpenTelemetry instrumentation in ODP.NET.

This method accepts options to enable or disable different instrumentation types.