OracleTAFMode Constructors

OracleTAFMode constructors instantiates new instances of the OracleTAFMode class.

Overload List:

  • OracleTAFMode()

    This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleTAFMode class using default property values.

  • OracleTAFMode(OracleFailoverType, OracleFailoverRestore)

    This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleTAFMode class using the provided failover type and restore level.

  • OracleTAFMode(OracleFailoverType, OracleFailoverRestore, int, int)

    This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleTAFMode class using the provided failover type, restore level, retries, and delay.


  • failoverType: Specifies the type of failover. Possible values are:

    • NONE: This is the default. No failover functionality is used. This can also be explicitly specified to prevent failover from happening.

    • SESSION: Fails over the session. For example, if a user's connection is lost, then a new session is automatically created for the user. This type of failover does not attempt to recover selects.

  • failoverRestore: Specifies the session restore level. Possible values are:

    • NONE: This is the default. No session state will be restored.

    • LEVEL1: Restores basic session state along with NLS parameters.

  • failoverRetries: Specifies the number of times to attempt to connect after a failover. Default value is 0.

  • failoverDelay: Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait between connect attempts. Default value is 0.


ArgumentException is thrown if negative value if provided for failoverRetries or failoverDelay arguments in the constructor.