
Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, use the TERMINATE command to forcibly terminate catalog schema connections. You can run the TERMINATE command only if you have connected to the recovery catalog as a recovery catalog owner.

While performing recovery catalog upgrades, the default behavior of RMAN is to exit the UPGRADE CATALOG command with an error message if there are any ongoing RMAN jobs connected to the recovery catalog schema. However, starting from Oracle Database 23ai, you can achieve better control to ensure that the UPGRADE CATALOG can complete an upgrade and avoid any bottlenecks caused by ongoing RMAN jobs.

You can connect RMAN to a recovery catalog in maintenance mode, and then use the TERMINATE command to forcibly terminate:
  • All the active catalog schema connections
  • Blocking catalog schema connections that prevent the progress of a recovery catalog upgrade. Blocking connections are catalog schema connections that started after you issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command
  • Waiting catalog schema connections that are waiting for the recovery catalog upgrade process to complete. Catalog schema connections which started after you issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command are called waiting connections


  • You must have connected RMAN to a recovery catalog
  • You must run the CONNECT CATALOG command to connect to the recovery catalog as a catalog schema owner

Additional Prerequisites for Terminating Blocking and Waiting Catalog Schema Connections

To terminate blocking and waiting connections to the catalog schema:
  • You must have connected RMAN to a recovery catalog
  • You must have issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command
  • You must enable the maintenance mode by issuing the SET CATALOG MAINTENANCE ON command.
  • You must run the CONNECT CATALOG command to connect to the recovery catalog as a catalog schema owner

Usage Notes

The TERMINATE command allows you to monitor and take action on catalog schema connections using the RMAN maintenance mode. This is particularly helpful to prevent bottlenecks caused by catalog schema connections while performing a recovery catalog upgrade.


See, Using the Maintenance Mode for Monitoring Catalog Upgrade to learn more about how to use the maintenance mode to manage catalog schema connections.


Syntax Element Description


Terminates all catalog schema connections that are blocking the progress of recovery catalog upgrade.

Blocking connections are catalog schema connections that started after you issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command. Blocking connections may cause bottlenecks during the progress of a recovery catalog upgrade.

After you issue the UPGRADE CATALOG command, you can run the TERMINATE BLOCKING CONNECTED USERS command in the RMAN maintenance mode. You must have connected to the recovery catalog as the catalog schema owner.


Terminates the recovery catalog schema connections that are waiting for a recovery catalog upgrade to complete.

After you issue the UPGRADE CATALOG command, you can run the TERMINATE WAITING CONNECTED USERS command in the RMAN maintenance mode. You must have connected to the recovery catalog as the catalog schema owner.


Example 3-79 Terminating Blocking Connections to a Recovery Catalog Schema

This example assumes that you are connected to a recovery catalog and issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command.

You run the SET CATALOG MAINTENANCE ON command to enable the RMAN maintenance mode. Next, you run the CONNECT CATALOG command to connect to the recovery catalog as the user rco (catalog schema owner).

You run the TERMINATE BLOCKING CONNECTED USERS to terminate all blocking connections to the catalog schema.

RMAN-03023: executing command: SET catalog maintenance ON

RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN-07556: Following sessions are blocking the catalog schema upgrade
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07560: Logon_time             SID   Serial User
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07561: 2023-08-01 11:17:13     53    34909 RMAN
RMAN-06958: Executing: alter system kill session '53, 34909'
RMAN-07559: =============================================