5.12 Creating a Local Semantic Index on a Range-Partitioned Table

A local index can be created on a VARCHAR2 or CLOB column of a range-partitioned table.

To do so, use the following syntax:

CREATE INDEX <index-name> … LOCAL;

The following example creates a range-partitioned table and a local semantic index on that table:

CREATE TABLE part_newsfeed (
  docid number, article CLOB, cdate DATE) 
partition by range (cdate)
(partition p1 values less than (to_date('01-Jan-2001')),
 partition p2 values less than (to_date('01-Jan-2004')),
 partition p3 values less than (to_date('01-Jan-2008')),
 partition p4 values less than (to_date('01-Jan-2012'))
CREATE INDEX ArticleLocalIndex on part_newsfeed (article)

Note that every partition of the local semantic index will have content generated for the same set of policies. When you use the ALTER INDEX statement on a local index to add or drop policies associated with a semantic index partition, you should try to keep the same set of policies associated with each partition. You can achieve this result by using ALTER INDEX statements in a loop over the set of partitions. (For more information about altering semantic indexes, see Altering a Semantic Index,)