
     index_name_in IN VARCHAR2, 
     named_g_in    IN SEM_GRAPHS DEFAULT NULL, 
     dop           IN INT DEFAULT 1,
     network_owner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


This subprogram will be deprecated in a future release. It is recommended that you use the SEM_APIS.DROP_INFERRED_GRAPH subprogram instead.


Drops (deletes) an entailment (rules index).



Name of the entailment to be deleted.


Causes only the triples with the specified graph names in the entailment to be deleted. A null value (the default) drops the entire entailment.

For example, named_g_in => sem_graphs('<urn:G1>','<urn:G2>') drops only the triples in entailment with graph names G1 and G2; the rest of the entailment graph is not dropped.


Degree of parallelism for a parallel execution of triple deletion. Applies only if the named_g_in parameter is not null.


Owner of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)


Name of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)

Usage Notes

You can use this procedure to delete an entailment that you created using the SEM_APIS.CREATE_ENTAILMENT procedure.

If you drop only a subset of the entailment with specified named graphs (that is, when named_g_in is not null) on an entailment with a VALID or INCOMPLETE status, then the resulting status of the entailment after the drop is set to INCOMPLETE.

For information about semantic network types and options, see RDF Networks.


The following example deletes a entailment named OWLTST_IDX.

EXECUTE sem_apis.drop_entailment('owltst_idx');

The following example deletes only inferred triples with graph names G1 and G2 that belong to the entailment named OWLNG_IDX. Any inferred triples in the default graph and other named graphs remain in the entailment.

EXECUTE sem_apis.drop_entailment('owlng_idx',sem_graphs('<urn:G1>','<urn:G2>'));