
     flags         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_owner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Purges purges invalid geometry literal values from the semantic network.



An optional quoted string with one or more of the following keyword specifications:

  • MBV_METHOD=SHADOW allows the use of a different value loading strategy that may lead to faster processing when a large number of values need to be purged.

  • PARALLEL=<integer> allows much of the processing to be done in parallel using the specified integer degree of parallelism to be associated with the operation. If only PARALLEL is specified without a degree, a default degree will be used.

  • PUV_COMPUTE_VIDS_USED allows use of a different strategy that may lead to faster processing when most of the values are expected to be purged.


Owner of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)


Name of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you execute this procedure after using SEM_APIS.VALIDATE_GEOMETRIES to check that all geometry literals in the specified model are valid for the provided SRID and tolerance values.

For more usage information and an extended example, see Purging Unused Values.

For information about semantic network types and options, see RDF Networks.


The following example purges unused values using a degree of parallelism of 4.

EXECUTE SEM_APIS.PURGE_UNUSED_VALUES(flags => 'PARALLEL=4', network_owner=>'RDFUSER', network_name=>'NET1');