
     from_schema    DBMS_ID,
     degree         INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
     options        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_owner  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_name   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Restores moved RDF network data from a staging schema back into a source RDF network.



The staging schema that contains moved RDF network data to be restored.


Degree of parallelism to use for any SQL insert or index building operations. The default is no parallel execution.


String specifying any options to use during the append operation. Supported options are:

  • PURGE=T – drop all remaining RDF network data in the staging schema after the append operation completes.

Owner of the destination RDF network for the restore operation. (See Table 1-2.)


Name of the destination RDF network for the restore operation. (See Table 1-2.)

Usage Notes

Partition exchange operations rather than SQL INSERT statements are used to move most of the data during the append operation, so the staging schema will no longer contain complete RDF network data after the restore operation is complete.

Moved RDF network data can only be restored into the original source RDF network from which it was moved.

You must have DBA privileges to call this procedure.

For more information, see Moving, Restoring, and Appending an RDF Network.

For information about RDF network types and options, see RDF Networks.


The following example restores an RDF network from the RDFEXPIMPU staging schema into the MYNET RDF network owned by RDFADMIN.

EXECUTE sem_apis.restore_rdf_network_data(from_schema=>'RDFEXPIMPU',network_owner=>'RDFADMIN',network_name=>'MYNET');