
     rdf_graph_name  IN VARCHAR2, 
     user_name       IN VARCHAR2,
     priv_list       IN VARCHAR2, 
     user_view       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     options         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_owner   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_name    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Revokes access privileges on an RDF graph or entailment.



Name of the RDF graph.


Database user that is recipient of this privilege.


Specifies the type of privilege that is granted. Currently allowed values include the following:

  • QUERY: Query the RDF graph using SPARQL
  • SELECT, READ: Retrieve RDF graph content using SQL. The source for the content is the RDFT_<rdf_graph_name> view in the network owner's schema or the view name, if any, specified for the user_view parameter.
  • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE: Perform SPARQL Update (DML) operations on the RDF graph or SQL DML operations. For SQL DML, the target object is the RDFT_<rdf_graph_name> view in the network owner's schema.


QUERY is the only valid choice if the RDF graph is not a regular RDF graph (that is, not created using sem_apis.create_rdf_graph).

Applicable to schema-private network only. If a view was created on the RDFT_<rdf_graph_name> view at RDF graph creation time using sem_apis.create_rdf_graph or later, privileges are revoked on that view.


If user specifies the word ENTAILMENT as part of the string value, then the specified rdf_graph_name is taken as the name of an inferred graph (rules index). (Additional words or phrases may be allowed in future.)


Owner of the RDF network. (See Table 1-2.)


Name of the RDF network. (See Table 1-2.)

Usage Notes

This does not affect the recipient's query-only or full access to the RDF network (which guarantees access to dictionary tables, but not individual RDF graphs). This operation revokes access to the specified RDF graph only.


The following example revokes privilege from database user USER1 for performing DML operations against a semantic technology RDF graph named articles in the schema-private network NET1 owned by database user RDFUSER. (This example refers to the RDF graph described in Example 1-129.)

EXECUTE SEM_APIS.REVOKE_RDF_GRAPH_ACCESS_PRIVS('articles', 'USER1', sys.odcivarchar2list('INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE'), network_owner=>'RDFUSER', network_name=>'NET1');