
     model_name    IN VARCHAR2, 
     predicate     IN VARCHAR2, 
     label_string  IN VARCHAR2,
     network_owner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     network_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Sets a sensitivity label for a predicate at the model level or for the whole repository.



Name of the model to which the predicate belongs, or the string RDF$GLOBAL if the same label should applied for the use of the predicate in all models.


Predicate for which the label should be assigned.


OLS row label in string representation.


Owner of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)


Name of the semantic network. (See Table 1-2.)

Usage Notes

If you specify a model name, you must have read access to the model and execute privileges on the SEM_RDFSA package to perform this operation. If you specify RDF$GLOBAL, you must have FULL access privilege with the OLS policy applied to RDF data.

You must have access to the specified label and OLS policy privilege to overwrite an existing label if a label already exists for the predicate. The SECURE_PREDICATE option must be enabled for RDF data.

If an existing predicate label is updated with this operation, the labels for the triples using this predicate must all dominate the new predicate label. The only exception is when the OPT_RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL option is chosen for the OLS-enabled RDF data.

If you specify RDF$GLOBAL, a global predicate with a unique sensitivity label across models is created. If the same predicate is previously defined in one or more models, the global label dominates all such labels and the model-specific labels are replaced for the given predicate.

After a label for a predicate is set, new triples with the predicate can be added only if the triple label (which may be initialized from user's initial row label or using a label function) dominates the predicate's sensitivity label. This dominance relationship can be relaxed with the OPT_RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL option, in which case the user should at least have read access to the predicate to be able to define a new triple using the predicate.

For information about support for OLS, see Fine-Grained Access Control for RDF Data.

For information about semantic network types and options, see RDF Networks.


The following example sets a predicate label for Contracts model and another predicate label for all models in the database instance.

         model_name   => 'contracts',
         predicate    => '<http://www.myorg.com/pred/hasContractValue>',
         label_string => 'TS:US_SPCL');
         model_name   => 'rdf$global',
         predicate    => '<http://www.myorg.com/pred/hasStatus>',
         label_string => 'SE:US_SPCL:US');