10.1 Why Use RDF Views on Relational Data?

Using RDF views on relational data enables you to query relational data using SPARQL and integrate data available from different sources.

You can exploit the advantages of relational data without the need for physical storage of the RDF triples that correspond to the relational data.

The simplest way to create a mapping of relational data to RDF data is by calling the SEM_APIS.CREATE_RDFVIEW_GRAPH procedure to create an RDF view graph, supplying the list of tables or views whose content you would like to be viewed as RDF. This provides a direct mapping of those relational tables or views.

To get a more customized mapping, you can call the SEM_APIS.CREATE_RDFVIEW_GRAPH procedure to create an RDF view graph, supplying the R2RML mapping (using Turtle or N-Triple syntax) with the r2rml_string parameter.