Applying Out-of-Place Oracle Database Patches

Use this procedure on the local cluster node to perform out-of-place patching of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

  1. Download the gold image of the desired Release Update (RU) on the first node and extract the files into a new Oracle home directory. For example:
    $ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/23.5.0/dbhome_1
    $ chgrp oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product/23.5.0/dbhome_1
    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/23.5.0/dbhome_1
    $ unzip -q /tmp/
  2. Configure a new Oracle home identical to the old Oracle home on the local cluster node using runInstaller.
    $ ./runInstaller -silent -setupDBHomeAs source_Oracle_home -clusterNodes=Node1,Node2,Node3..NodeN
    Where -clusterNodes=Node1,Node2,Node3..NodeN is the list of all the Oracle RAC nodes.


    You must specify all the nodes on which Oracle RAC database is running, else the patching will fail.
    This step retrieves configuration information, such as users and groups used for installing Oracle Database software for the first time, and installs the Oracle Database software in the new Oracle home.
  3. On the local node, move Oracle Database from the old home to the new home using the Oracle DBCA command-line interface. Run the following Oracle DBCA command from the new Oracle home.
    $ /u01/app/oracle/product/23.5.0/dbhome_1/bin/dbca -silent -moveDatabase -sourceDB source_DB_name
    Where, -sourceDB is the database unique name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) for Oracle RAC database or system identifier (ORACLE_SID) for single-instance Oracle Database.

    Refer to Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide for additional Oracle DBCA commands and options for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) and single-instance Oracle Database.

Alternatively, you can also use Oracle DBCA in GUI mode to perform out-of-place Oracle Database patching.