Deinstallation Examples for Oracle Database

Use these examples to help you understand how to run the deinstall command.

Run deinstall from the $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall directory. The deinstallation starts without prompting you for the Oracle home path.

$ ./deinstall

You can generate a deinstallation response file by running deinstall with the -checkonly flag. Alternatively, you can use the response file template located at $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/response/deinstall.rsp.tmpl. If you have a response file, then use the optional flag -paramfile to provide a path to the response file.

In the following example, the deinstall command is in the path/u01/app/oracle/product/23.0.0/dbhome_1/deinstall. It uses a response file called my_db_paramfile.tmpl in the software owner location /home/usr/oracle:

$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/23.0.0/dbhome_1/deinstall
$ ./deinstall -paramfile /home/usr/oracle/my_db_paramfile.tmpl

To remove the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, use the deinstall command in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

In this example, the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home is /u01/app/23.0.0/grid

$ cd  /u01/app/23.0.0/grid/deinstall
$ ./deinstall -paramfile /home/usr/oracle/my_grid_paramfile.tmpl