1 Oracle Globally Distributed Database Overview

Learn about Oracle Globally Distributed Database capabilities and benefits in this high level conceptual discussion.

What is a Globally Distributed Database

A globally distributed database is a method of partitioning data to distribute the computational and storage workload, which helps in achieving hyperscale computing.

Hyperscale computing is a computing architecture that can scale up or down quickly to meet increased demand on the system. This architecture innovation was originally driven by internet giants that run distributed sites and has been adopted by large-scale cloud providers.

Companies often achieve hyperscale computing using a technology called database sharding, in which they distribute segments of a data set—a shard—across lots of databases on lots of different computers.

Sharding uses a shared-nothing architecture in which shards share no hardware or software. All of the shards together make up a single logical database, called a sharded database.

From the perspective of the application, a sharded database looks like a single database: the number of shards, and the distribution of data across those shards, are completely transparent to database applications. From the perspective of a database administrator, a sharded database consists of multiple databases that can be managed collectively.

Figure 1-1 Distribution of a Table Across Database Shards

About Oracle Globally Distributed Database

Oracle Globally Distributed Database is a feature of Oracle Database that lets you automatically distribute and replicate data across a pool of Oracle databases that share no hardware or software. Oracle Globally Distributed Database provides the best features and capabilities of mature RDBMS and NoSQL databases, as described here.

  • SQL language used for object creation, strict data consistency, complex joins, ACID transaction properties, distributed transactions, relational data store, security, encryption, robust performance optimizer, backup and recovery, and patching with Oracle Database

  • Oracle innovations and enterprise-level features, including Advanced Security, Automatic Storage Management (ASM), Advanced Compression, partitioning, high-performance storage engine, SMP scalability, Oracle RAC, Exadata, in-memory columnar, online redefinition, JSON document store, and so on

  • Sharding-aware Oracle Database tools, such as SQL Developer, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, Recovery Manager (RMAN), and Data Pump, for sharded database application development and management

  • Programmatic interfaces, such as Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Oracle Call Interface (OCI), Universal Connection Pool (UCP), Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET), and PL/SQL, including extensions for sharded application development

  • Extreme availability with Oracle Data Guard and Oracle Active Data Guard. Other replication options include Raft replication, which is built into Oracle Globally Distributed Database.

  • Support for multi-model data like relational, text, and JSON

  • Existing life-cycle management and operational processes can be kept, leveraging in-house and world-wide Oracle database administrator skill sets

  • Enterprise-level support

  • Extreme scalability and availability of NoSQL databases

Oracle Globally Distributed Database as Distributed Partitioning

Sharding is a database scaling technique based on horizontal partitioning of data across multiple independent physical databases. Each physical database in such a configuration is called a shard.

From the perspective of an application, a sharded database in Oracle Globally Distributed Database looks like a single database; the number of shards, and the distribution of data across those shards, are completely transparent to the application.

Even though a sharded database looks like a single database to applications and application developers, from the perspective of a database administrator, a sharded database consists of a set of discrete Oracle databases, each of which is a single shard, that can be managed collectively.

A sharded table is partitioned across all shards of the sharded database. Table partitions on each shard are not different from partitions that could be used in an Oracle database that is not sharded.

The following figure shows the difference between partitioning on a single logical database and partitions distributed across multiple shards.

Figure 1-2 Oracle Globally Distributed Database as Distributed Partitioning

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Oracle Globally Distributed Database as Distributed Partitioning"

Oracle Globally Distributed Database automatically distributes the partitions across shards when you issue the CREATE SHARDED TABLE statement, and the distribution of partitions is transparent to applications. The figure above shows the logical view of a sharded table and its physical implementation.

Benefits of Oracle Globally Distributed Database

Oracle Globally Distributed Database provides linear scalability, complete fault isolation, and global data distribution for the most demanding applications.

Key benefits of Oracle Globally Distributed Database include:

  • Linear Scalability

    The Oracle Globally Distributed Database shared–nothing architecture eliminates performance bottlenecks and provides unlimited scalability. Oracle Globally Distributed Database supports scaling up to 1000 shards.

  • Extreme Availability and Fault Isolation

    Single points of failure are eliminated because shards do not share resources such as software, CPU, memory, or storage devices. The failure or slow-down of one shard does not affect the performance or availability of other shards.

    Shards are protected by Oracle MAA best practice solutions, such as Oracle Data Guard and Oracle RAC.

    An unplanned outage or planned maintenance of a shard impacts only the availability of the data on that shard, so only the users of that small portion of the data are affected, for example, during a failover brownout.

  • Geographical Distribution of Data

    Oracle Globally Distributed Database enables you to deploy a global database, where a single logical database could be distributed over multiple geographies. This makes it possible to satisfy data privacy regulatory requirements (Data Sovereignty) as well as allows to store particular data close to its consumers (Data Proximity).

Example Applications using Oracle Globally Distributed Database

Oracle Globally Distributed Database provides benefits for a variety of use cases.

Real Time OLTP

Real time OLTP applications have a very high transaction processing throughput, a large user population, huge amounts of data, and require strict data consistency and management at scale. Some examples include internet-facing consumer applications, financial applications such as mobile payments, large scale SaaS applications such as billing and medical applications. The benefits of using Oracle Globally Distributed Database for such applications include:

  • Linear scalability of transactions per second, with response time staying constant as new shards are added to support larger data volume
  • Better application SLAs, because planned and unplanned outages on any given shard does not impact the data stored and available on other shards
  • Strict data consistency for transactional applications
  • Transactions spanning multiple shards
  • Support for complex joins, triggers, and stored procedures
  • Simplified manageability at scale

Global Applications

Many enterprise applications are global in nature, where the same application serves customers in multiple geographic locations. Such applications typically use a single logical global database which is sharded across multiple geographical regions. The benefits of a sharded global database include:

  • Strict enforcement of data sovereignty, where data privacy regulations require data to stay in a certain geographic location, region, country, or even state.
  • Reduction of data replication across locations
  • Better application SLAs, because planned and unplanned outages in one region do not impact other regions

Internet of Things and Data Streaming Applications

Typically such applications collect large amounts of data and stream it at a very high speed. Oracle Globally Distributed Database has optimized data stream libraries which use Oracle Database's direct path I/O technology to load data into the sharded database with extremely high speed. Data load requirements for these applications can be in to 100s of millions of records per second. Once the data is loaded directly into the database, it is available for immediate processing with advanced query processing and analytic capabilities.

Machine Learning

Many machine learning applications require training and scoring of models in real time. Model training and scoring for many applications using algorithms like anomaly detection, and clustering is specific to a given entity (for example, a given user's financial transaction patterns or specific device metrics at a certain time of the day). This kind of data can easily be sharded by using a sharding key specific to the user or devices. Additionally, Oracle Database Machine Learning algorithms can be applied directly in the database obviating the need for a separate data pipeline and machine learning processing infrastructure.

Big Data Analytics

When you have terabytes of data, sharding means you don't have to warehouse data to do analytics on it. With up to 1000 shards in capacity, Oracle Globally Distributed Database can turn a relational database into a warehouse-sized data store. With the Federated Sharding solution, multiple database installations in different locations that run the same application can be converted into a federated sharded database so that you can run data analytics without moving the data.

NoSQL Alternative

NoSQL solutions lack major RDBMS features, such as relational schema, SQL, complex data types, online schema changes, multi-core scalability, security, ACID properties, CR for single-shard operations, and so on. With Oracle Globally Distributed Database you get the nearly limitless scaling and sharding you had with NoSQL and all of the features and benefits of Oracle Database.

Flexible Deployment Models

The shared-nothing architecture of Oracle Globally Distributed Database lets you keep your data on-premises, in the cloud, or on a hybrid of cloud and on-premises systems. Because the database shards do not share any resources, the shards can exist anywhere on a variety of on-premises and cloud systems.

You can choose to deploy all of the shards on-premises, have them all in the cloud, or you can split them up between cloud and on-premises systems to suit your needs.

Shards can be deployed on all database deployment models such as single instance, Exadata, and Oracle RAC.

Data Replication in Oracle Globally Distributed Database

Oracle Globally Distributed Database relies on replication for availability. Oracle Globally Distributed Database provides various means of replication depending on your needs.

Replication provides high availability, disaster recovery, and additional scalability for reads. A unit of replication can be a shard, a part of a shard, or a group of shards.

Replication topology in a sharded database is declaratively specified using GDSCTL command syntax. You can choose either Oracle Data Guard or Raft replication to replicate your data. Oracle Globally Distributed Database automatically deploys the specified replication topology to the procured systems, and enables data replication.

Shard-level Replication

In Oracle Globally Distributed Database a shard is a database. The availability of a shard database is not affected by an outage or slowdown of one or more shards. Oracle Data Guard replication can be used to provide individual shard-level high availability. Replication is automatically configured and deployed when the sharded database is created.

Oracle Data Guard is tightly integrated with Oracle Globally Distributed Database to provide high availability and disaster recovery with strict data consistency and zero data loss. Oracle Data Guard replication maintains one or more synchronized copies (standbys) of a shard (the primary) for high availability and data protection. Standbys can be deployed locally or remotely, and when using Oracle Active Data Guard can also be open for read-only access.

See Shard-Level Replication with Oracle Data Guard for more information.

Optionally, you can use Oracle RAC for shard-level high availability, complemented by replication, to maintain shard-level data availability in the event of a cluster outage. Each shard can be deployed on an Oracle RAC cluster to give it instant protection from node failure. For example, each shard could be a two node Oracle RAC cluster. Oracle Globally Distributed Database automatically fails over database connections from a shard to its replica in the event of an unplanned outage.

Raft Replication

Instead of replication at the shard level, the Raft replication feature in Oracle Globally Distributed Database creates smaller replication units and distributes them automatically among the shards to handle chunk assignment, chunk movement, workload distribution, and balancing upon scaling (addition or removal of shards), including planned or unplanned shard availability changes.

Raft replication is built into Oracle Globally Distributed Database to provide a consensus-based, high-performance, low-overhead availability solution, with distributed replicas and fast failover with zero data loss, while automatically maintaining the replication factor if shards fail. With Raft replication management overhead does not increase with the number of shards. If you are used to NoSQL databases and do not expect to know anything about how replication works, Oracle Globally Distributed Database native replication just works.

Unlike Data Guard replication, Raft replication does not need to be reconfigured when shards are added or removed, and replicas do not need to be actively managed.

See Raft Replication Configuration and Management for more information.

Data Distribution Methods

Because Oracle Globally Distributed Database is based on table partitioning, all of the sub-partitioning methods provided by Oracle Database are also supported by Oracle Globally Distributed Database. A data distribution method controls the placement of the data on the shards. Oracle Globally Distributed Database supports system-managed, user defined, directory-based, or composite sharding methods.

  • System-managed does not require you to map data to shards. The data is automatically distributed across shards using partitioning by consistent hash. The partitioning algorithm uniformly and randomly distributes data across shards.

  • User-defined lets you explicitly specify the mapping of data to individual shards. It is used when, because of performance, regulatory, or other reasons, certain data needs to be stored on a particular shard, and the administrator needs to have full control over moving data between shards.

  • Composite allows you to use two levels of partitioning. First the data is partitioned by range or list and then it is partitioned further by consistent hash.

    In many use cases, especially for data sovereignty and data proximity requirements, the composite method offers the best of both system-managed and user-defined methods, giving you the automation you want and the control over data placement you need.

  • Directory-based is an enhancement of the user-defined method, whereby the location of data records associated with any sharding key is specified dynamically at runtime based on user preferences. The key location information is stored in a directory, which can hold a large set of key values in the hundreds of thousands.

    You have the freedom to move individual key values from one location to another, or make bulk movements to scale up or down, or for data and load balancing. The location information can include the shard database information and partition information.

For more information see Sharded Data Distribution Methods

Client Request Routing

Oracle Globally Distributed Database supports direct, key-based routing from an application to a shard, routing by proxy with the shard catalog, and routing to middle tiers, such as application containers, web containers, and so on, which are affinitized with shards. Oracle Database client drivers and connection pools are sharding aware.

  • Key-based routing. Oracle client-side drivers (JDBC, OCI, UCP, ODP.NET) can recognize sharding keys specified in the connection string for high performance data dependent routing. A shard routing cache in the connection layer is used to route database requests directly to the shard where the data resides.

  • Routing by proxy. Oracle Globally Distributed Database supports routing for queries that do not specify a sharding key, giving any database application the flexibility to run SQL statements, without specifying the shards on which the query should be processed. Proxy routing can handle single-shard queries and multi-shard queries.

  • Middle-tier routing. In addition to sharding the data tier, you can shard the web tier and application tier, distributing the shards of those middle tiers to service a particular set of database shards, creating a pattern known as a swim lane. A smart router can route client requests based on specific sharding keys to the appropriate swim lane, which in turn establishes connections on its subset of shards.

Query Processing

No changes to query and DML statements are required to support Oracle Globally Distributed Database. Most existing DDL statements will work the same way on a sharded database with the same syntax and semantics as they do on a non-sharded Oracle Database.

In the same way that DDL statements can be processed on all shards in a configuration, so too can certain Oracle-provided PL/SQL procedures.

Oracle Globally Distributed Database also has its own keywords in the SQL DDL statements, which can only be run against a sharded database.

High Speed Data Ingest

SQL*Loader enables direct data loading into the Oracle Globally Distributed Database shards for a high speed data ingest.

SQL*Loader is a bulk loader utility used for moving data from external files into the Oracle database. Its syntax is similar to that of the DB2 load utility, but comes with more options. SQL*Loader supports various load formats, selective loading, and multi-table loads.

SQL*Loader client can automatically start a parallel direct path load for data without dividing the data into separate files and starting multiple clients.

Other benefits include:

  • Streaming capability lets you receive data from a large group of clients without blocking

  • Group records according to Oracle RAC shard affinity using native UCP

  • Optimize CPU allocation while decoupling record processing from I/O

  • Fastest insert method for the Oracle Database through Direct Path Insert, bypassing SQL and writing directly in the database files

Deployment Automation

Oracle Globally Distributed Database deployment is highly automated with Terraform, Kubernetes, and Ansible scripts.

The deployment scripts take a simple input file describing your desired deployment topology, and run from a single host to deploy shards to all of the sharded database hosts. Pause, resume, and cleanup operations are included in the scripts in case of errors.

Data Migration

The Oracle Globally Distributed Database Sharding Advisor tool helps with sharded database schema design for migration from a non-sharded to sharded database. Oracle Data Pump is sharding aware and is used to migrate data from a non-sharded Oracle database to a sharded Oracle database.

Sharding Advisor

The Sharding Advisor is a tool provided with Oracle Globally Distributed Database which can help you design an optimal sharded database configuration by analyzing your current database schema and workload, and recommending topology configurations and database schema designs. The Sharding Advisor bases recommendations on key goals such as parallelism (distributing query processing evenly among shards), minimizing cross-shard join operations, and minimizing duplicated data.

Oracle Data Pump

You can load data directly into the shards by running Oracle Data Pump on each shard. This method is very fast because the entire data loading operation can complete within the period of time needed to load the shard with the maximum subset of the entire data set.

Lifecycle Management

The Oracle Globally Distributed Database command-line interface and Oracle Enterprise Manager help you manage your sharded database.

Using the tools provided you can:

  • Provision new sharded databases with scripts
  • Scale out as needed by adding more shards online and take advantage of automatic rebalancing
  • Scale in by moving data and consolidating hardware when loads are low
  • Monitor performance statistics using Enterprise Manager
  • Back up for disaster recovery using Cloud Backup Service, RMAN, and Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance
  • Patches and Upgrades automated with oPatchAuto in rolling mode

Federated Sharding

Unify multiple existing databases into one Oracle Globally Distributed Database architecture.

Global businesses might have multiple instances of same applications deployed for multiple departments in multiple regions. Federated sharding allows mapping of databases of such applications in to a single federated database and provides the following benefits.

  • Queries can be seamlessly processed against a single federated database using multi-shard query coordinator
  • Removes the need to replicate data for reporting and analytics purposes
  • Tolerance for differences in schema and database versions

Where To Go From Here

Planning and deploying a Oracle Globally Distributed Database configuration that best fits your requirements can be a daunting task. The following roadmap can guide you through the process, from initial planning to life cycle management of a sharded database.