16.4 Capabilities Documents (WFS)

A capabilities document is generated by the WFS server in response to a GetCapabilities request. It shows published feature types (such as roads or rivers) and the operations supported (such as insert and delete).

The WFS server uses a capabilities template, and adds information about the feature type and operations to this template to create the capabilities document.

A client uses the HTTP GET/KVP protocol to access this capabilities document:

http://<hostname:port>/oraclespatial/wfs/<data source name>/?request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS

In the preceding format:

  • hostname is the host name of the system where the application server is running.

  • port is the port number where the application server is running.

  • oraclespatial is the default context root where the Spatial web services application is mounted.

  • data source name the data source configured on the application server to access spatial data. Is possible to have multiple data sources configured in a WLS instance, and WFS can expose data of each data source through a dedicated URL