1.14 Geocoding

Geocoding is the process of converting tables of address data into standardized address, location, and possibly other data.

The result of a geocoding operation includes the pair of longitude and latitude coordinates that correspond with the input address or location. For example, if the input address is 22 Monument Square, Concord, MA 01742, the longitude and latitude coordinates in the result of the geocoding operation may be (depending on the geocoding data provider) -71.34937 and 42.46101, respectively.

Given a geocoded address, you can perform proximity or location queries using a spatial engine, such as Oracle Spatial, or demographic analysis using tools and data from Oracle's business partners. In addition, you can use geocoded data with other spatial data such as block group, postal code, and county code for association with demographic information. Results of analyses or queries can be presented as maps, in addition to tabular formats, using third-party software integrated with Oracle Spatial.

For conceptual and usage information about the geocoding capabilities of Oracle Spatial, see Geocoding Address Data. For reference information about the MDSYS.SDO_GCDR PL/SQL package, see SDO_GCDR Package (Geocoding) .