
     op_id      IN NUMBER, 
     source_crs IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     target_crs IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     use_case   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Revokes a preference for an operation between a source coordinate system and a target coordinate system.



ID number of the operation. Must match an op_id value that was specified in a call to the SDO_CS.ADD_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP procedure.


The SRID of the source coordinate reference system. Must match the source_crs value in a source_crs, target_crs, and use_case combination that was specified in a call to the SDO_CS.ADD_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP procedure.


The SRID of the target coordinate reference system. Must match the target_crs value in a source_crs, target_crs, and use_case combination that was specified in a call to the SDO_CS.ADD_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP procedure.


Name of the use case associated with the preference. Must match the use_case value in a source_crs, target_crs, and use_case combination that was specified in a call to the SDO_CS.ADD_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP procedure.

Usage Notes

This procedure reverses the effect of the SDO_CS.ADD_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP procedure.

If use_case is null, this procedure deletes one or more rows from the SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_SYSTEM table (described in SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_SYSTEM Table). If use_case is not null, this procedure deletes one or more rows from the SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_USER table (described in SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_USER Table).


The following example revokes a preference for operation ID 19777 to be used in transformations from SRID 4301 to SRID 4326 when use case use_case_B is specified for the transformation.

EXECUTE SDO_CS.REVOKE_PREFERENCE_FOR_OP(19977, 4301, 4326, 'use_case_B');