
     inp           IN SDO_PC, 
     inptable      IN VARCHAR2, 
     clstPcdataTbl IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Creates a point cloud using the points specified in the inptable parameter.



SDO_PC object to be used. This object must have been created by the SDO_PC_PKG.INIT function.


Name of the table or view containing the input point cloud data. This table or view should have the following columns:

  • RID (VARCHAR2(24)): Unique ID for each point

  • VAL_D1 (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension 1

  • VAL_D2 (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension 2

  • . . .

  • VAL_Dn (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension n, where n is the highest-numbered dimension. n should match the pc_tot_dimensions parameter value in the call to the SDO_PC_PKG.INIT function when the point cloud was initialized.


Name of the table for storing the resulting point data. If you do not specify a value, this table is not created. For more information about the table, see the Usage Notes.

Usage Notes

The first few dimensions of the point cloud are indexed and can later be searched using the SDO_PC_PKG.CLIP_PC function. The exact number of dimensions to index is determined by the dimensionality of the point cloud extent in the initialized point cloud object, specifically: inp.pc_extent.sdo_gtype/1000

If you specify a view name in the inptable parameter, the query SELECT ROWID FROM <view-name> must not return any errors.

If you specify a table name in the clstPcdataTbl parameter, the table must exist and have the following columns:



  • RID (VARCHAR2(24): Unique ID for each point

  • VAL_D1 (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension 1

  • VAL_D2 (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension 2

  • . . .

  • VAL_Dn (NUMBER): Ordinate in dimension n, where n is the highest-numbered dimension. n should match the pc_tot_dimensions parameter value in the call to the SDO_PC_PKG.INIT function when the point cloud was initialized.

If a value is specified for the clstPcdataTbl parameter, this function populates the table by assigning appropriate values for PTN_ID and POINT_ID and by copying the values from the inptable table or view for other attributes. This table can be created as an index organized table. It can be used in applications for searching using SQL queries on dimensions other than those reflected in the index dimensionality. (For an explanation of index dimensionality and total dimensionality, see the explanation of the pc_tot_dimensions parameter of the SDO_PC_PKG.INIT function.)

The SDO_PC and SDO_PC_BLK_TYPE data types are described in Point Cloud-Related Object Types.

Modeling Solids describes how to use point clouds to model solids.


The following example creates a point cloud. It is taken from the $ORACLE_HOME/md/demo/PointCloud/examples/plsql/pc.sql example program, which is available if you installed the files from the Oracle Database Examples media (see Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide).

. . .
-- Create the blocks for the point cloud.
  pc,       -- Initialized PointCloud object
  'INPTAB', -- Name of input table to ingest into the pointcloud
  'RES'     -- Name of output table that stores the points (with ptn_id,pt_id)
. . .