
     inp  IN SDO_PC 


Returns 1 if the specified point cloud object has a single block level containing all the points; otherwise, returns 0.



Input point cloud object. (The SDO_PC data type is described in Point Cloud-Related Object Types.)

Usage Notes

A point cloud object can have a single block level containing all the points in either of the following cases:

  • There is no pyramid, and all points are at the same level. In this case, the function returns 1.

  • There is a pyramid, but the leaf level repeats one or more points from any other pyramid levels (in addition to containing points not already in other levels). In this case, the function returns 1. However, if there was a pyramid and the leaf level did not repeat any points from other pyramid levels, the function would return 0.

Modeling Solids describes how to use point clouds to model solids.


The following example checks if the point cloud objects in column PC of table PCS have pyramids, and if each SDO_PC object has a single block level containing all the points for that object. The result shows that SDO_PC object in the only row in the table does not have a pyramid, and that this object does have a single block level containing all the points.

SELECT id, sdo_pc_pkg.has_pyramid(pc) "Has Pyramid",
   sdo_pc_pkg.preserves_level1(pc) "Preserves Level 1"
   FROM pcs ORDER BY id;

        ID Has Pyramid Preserves Level 1
---------- ----------- -----------------
         2           0                 1