
     basetable           IN VARCHAR2, 
     basecol             IN VARCHAR2, 
     blktable            IN VARCHAR2, 
     ptn_params          IN VARCHAR2, 
     tin_extent          IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     tin_tol             IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0.000000000000005, 
     tin_tot_dimensions  IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2, 
     tin_domain          IN SDO_ORGSCL_TYPE DEFAULT NULL, 
     tin_break_lines     IN SDO_GEOMETRY DEFAULT NULL, 
     tin_stop_lines      IN SDO_GEOMETRY DEFAULT NULL, 
     tin_void_rgns       IN SDO_GEOMETRY DEFAULT NULL, 
     tin_val_attr_tables IN SDO_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, 
     tin_other_attrs     IN XMLTYPE DEFAULT NULL, 


Initializes a TIN by creating an SDO_TIN object.



Name of the base table containing a column of type SDO_TIN.


Name of the column of type SDO_TIN in the base table.


Name of the TIN block table, which is used for storing the blocks of the TIN. This table must exist, and must have been created by a statement in the following form: CREATE TABLE <table-name> AS select * from mdsys.sdo_tin_blk_table;

Each TIN block table can only be associated with only one basetable and basecol combination.


Parameters for partitioning the TIN, specified as a quoted string with keywords delimited by commas. For example: 'blk_capacity=1000,work_tablespace=my_work_ts'. If this parameter is null, the TIN is not partitioned. The following keywords are permitted:

  • blk_capacity=n, where n is the maximum number of rows in each partition. The default value is 5000. If specified, must be a number greater than or equal to 50.

  • work_tablespace=x, where x is the name of the tablespace in which to create temporary tables during the partitioning operations.


SDO_GEOMETRY object representing the spatial extent of the TIN (the minimum bounding object enclosing all objects in the TIN. This parameter must not be null.

For geodetic data, this geometry must have two dimensions; otherwise, it can have up to four dimensions. The dimensionality of this geometry is used as the minimum value permitted for the tin_tot_dimensions parameter, as explained in the description of that parameter.


Tolerance value for objects in the TIN. (For information about spatial tolerance, see Section 1.5.5.) If this parameter is null, the default value is 0.0000000000005.


A number specifying the total dimensionality of the TIN object. For each point in the TIN blocks, tin_tot_dimensions ordinates (values) are stored.

The total dimensionality must be greater than or equal to the index dimensionality, which is the number of dimensions in the tin_extent geometry. Specifying total dimensionality greater than index dimensionality enables necessary nonspatial attributes to be retrieved in the same fetch operation with spatial data. The maximum total dimensionality value is 8. The default value for this parameter is 2.


(Not currently used.)


(Not currently used.)


(Not currently used.)


(Not currently used.)


SDO_STRING_ARRAY object specifying the names of any value attribute tables for the TIN. If this parameter is null, the TIN has no associated value attribute tables. Type SDO_STRING_ARRAY is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF VARCHAR2(32).


XMLTYPE object specifying any other attributes of the TIN. If this parameter is null, the TIN has no other attributes.

This parameter can include metadata on TIN pyramiding, as explained in the Usage Notes.

Usage Notes

After you use this function to initialize an SDO_TIN object, you can create a TIN by specifying this object as input to the SDO_TIN_PKG.CREATE_TIN procedure.

The SDO_TIN data type is described in TIN-Related Object Types.

Modeling Surfaces describes how to use TINs to model surfaces.

The tin_other_attrs parameter can be used to specify metadata for TIN pyramiding, for example:


TIN pyramiding creates multiple pyramid levels from level 1 (most detailed) to level n (least detailed). In contrast to point cloud pyramiding (described in the Usage Notes for SDO_PC_PKG.INIT), there is no option relating to preserving level 1 with TIN pyramiding. A TIN with pyramiding will require more storage space than one without pyramiding, because level 1 is basically equal to the TIN without pyramiding, and all other levels require additional space.


The following example initializes a TIN by creating an SDO_TIN object. It is taken from the $ORACLE_HOME/md/demo/TIN/examples/plsql/tin.sql example program, which is available if you installed the files from the Oracle Database Examples media (see Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide).

  tin sdo_tin;
  -- Initialize the TIN object. 
  tin := sdo_tin_pkg.init(
          'BASE', -- Table that has the SDO_TIN column defined
          'TIN',   -- Column name of the SDO_TIN object 
          'BLKTAB', -- Table to store blocks of the TIN
           'blk_capacity=1000', -- max # of points per block 
           mdsys.sdo_geometry(2003, null, null,
              mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(-180, -90, 180, 90)),  -- Extent 
              0.0000000005, -- Tolerance for TIN
              3, -- Total number of dimensions
. . .