37.12 SDO_WFS_PROCESS.Publish_FeatureTypes_In_Schema


     p_owner              IN VARCHAR2, 
     p_namespace_url      IN VARCHAR2, 
     p_namespace_alias    IN VARCHAR2, 
     p_wls_postxml_url    IN VARCHAR2, 
     p_tablename_pattern  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     p_wfs_version        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     p_write_xsd          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Publishes the feature types in a schema; that is, registers metadata related to the feature types (using “camel case”).



Name of the database user that owns the table containing the spatial features (which can have spatial and non-spatial properties).


Uniform resource locator (URL) of the namespace for the feature type. (Corresponds to the ftNsUrl parameter of the SDO_WFS_PROCESS.PublishFeatureType procedure.)


Alias of the namespace for the feature type. (Corresponds to the ftNsAlias parameter of the SDO_WFS_PROCESS.PublishFeatureType procedure)


The HTTP URL in the format to execute POST XML requests to the WFS Server:

  • http://hostname:listening_port/SpatialWS-SpatialWS-context-root/SpatialWSXmlServlet [old notation]

  • http://hostname:listening_port/oraclespatial/wfs [new notation]

This URL is used for any cache reload for the WFS engine.


The table name pattern to identify tables that need to be newly published or republished if they are already published. The default it is "%", which means all feature types in the schema.


The WFS version needed for the POST XML request. The default value is 1.1.0, the latest WFS version supported for Release 12.2.


If Y, then an XSD file is written to WFSUSERDIR. The file naming convention matches owner_tablename_columnname.xsd.

Usage Notes

This procedure publishes all feature types in a schema with each feature type XSD derived from the corresponding DescribeFeatureType response without using the WFS administration console.

This procedure assumes that each feature type table has a single spatial column, even though WFS can handle multiple spatial columns.

For information about support for Web Feature Services, see Web Feature Service (WFS) Support.


The following example performs all metadata registry operations . It assumes the use of WFS 1.1.0 (the default).

EXECUTE  SDO_WFS_PROCESS.publish_featureTypes_in_schema(
   p_owner=> 'WFS_REL_USER',
   p_namespace_url => 'http://cite.opengeospatial.org/gmlsf',
   p_namespace_alias=> 'sf',
   p_wls_postxml_url=> 'http://localhost:7003/oraclespatial/wfs');

The following example publishes the GEOD_STATES table in the STUDENT schema.

EXECUTE sdo_wfs_process.publish_featureTypes_in_schema (