11.1 Types of Spatial Web Services

Learn about the different types of web services provided by Oracle Spatial.

  • Geocoding, which enables users to associate spatial locations (longitude and latitude coordinates) with postal addresses. See Geocoding Address Data for more information on Geocoding support.
  • Yellow Pages, which enables users to find businesses by name or category based on their relationship to a location. See Business Directory (Yellow Pages) Support for more information on Yellow Pages support.
  • Routing, which provides driving information and instructions for individual or multiple routes. See Routing Engine for more information on Routing support.
  • OpenLS, which provides location-based services based on the Open Location Services Initiative (OpenLS) specification for geocoding, mapping, routing, and yellow pages. See OpenLS Support for more information on OpenLS support.
  • Web Feature Services (WFS), which enables users to find features (roads, rivers, and so on) based on their relationship to a location or a nonspatial attribute. See Web Feature Service (WFS) Support for more information on WFS versions 1.1.0 and 1.0.0 support.
  • Web Coverage Services (WCS), which provides access to coverage data in forms that are useful for client-side rendering, as input into scientific models, and for other clients.
  • Catalog Services for the Web (CSW), which describes the Oracle Spatial implementation of the Open GIS Consortium specification for catalog services. According to this specification: "Catalog services support the ability to publish and search collections of descriptive information (metadata) for data, services, and related information objects." See Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) Support for more information on CSW version 2.0.2 support.
  • Web Map Service (WMS), which supports the rendering of spatial data. Specifically, the WMS 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 implementation specifications are implemented in the Map Visualization Component. See OGC WMS Support in the Map Visualization Component in Oracle Spatial Map Visualization Developer's Guide for more information.
  • GeoRaster REST API, which supports access and management of GeoRaster data stored in Oracle Database through REST HTTP/S requests with JSON responses. See GeoRaster REST API in Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide for more information.