New Features

The following features are new in this release:

  • Manageability support for In-Memory Column Store

    The new Oracle Database In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) feature accelerates database performance of analytics, data warehousing, and online transaction processing (OLTP) applications.

    SQL Monitor report, ASH report, and AWR report now show statistics for various in-memory operations.

    • In-memory statistics in SQL Monitor report: Activity % in Time and Wait Statistics panel, Activity column in Plan Statistics table, and Activity tab in SQL Monitor report show CPU consumed by SQL commands while executing in-memory query operations. SQL Monitor report now supports Adaptive plans. The Execution plan shows Resolving or Resolved icon depending upon the current status of that plan. The Plan Statistics tab contains a drop down list to show current plan, final plan, and full plan. It also contains Plan Note button, which when clicked, shows the notes that are generated in the explain plan for the SQL statement.

    • In-memory statistics in ASH report: ASH report header table shows the size of in-memory pool under In Memory Area column. Top Events, Top SQL, and Activity Over Time sections show CPU consumption by various in-memory operations.

    • In-memory statistics in AWR report: AWR report contains a new section - In-Memory Segments Statistics - that shows in-memory segment consumption based on various attributes, such as, scans, DB block changes, populate CUs, and repopulate CUs. Time Model Statistics section shows statistics related to in-memory CPU usage and Instance Activity Statistics section shows statistics related to in-memory activities.