For Base Database Service and Exadata Databases

To access Performance Hub for Base Database Service and Exadata databases:

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Oracle Database.

  2. Select the type of database that you are managing:
    • Base Database Service (VM, BM)

    • Exadata

  3. Choose your Compartment.

  4. Access the database details page for Base Database Service or Exadata databases.

    For Base Database Service:
    1. Click a Database System name. The Database System page is displayed.
    2. In the list of databases, click a database name. The database details page is displayed.
    For Exadata:
    1. Click the VM Cluster.

    2. Click the database name. The database details page is displayed.


    The Associated Services section on the database details page shows the status of the Database Management service, whether the service is enabled for the database. It also shows which database management option (Basic or Full) is enabled.
    • If Database Management is Enabled, you can click Disable to disable it.

    • If Database Management is Disabled, you can click Enable to enable it.

    Click Edit to display the Edit Database Management page. For information about changing database management settings, see About Management Options in Enable Database Management.

  5. On the details page of the database, click Performance Hub to open the Performance Hub page.


Performance Hub is enabled only under the following conditions.
  • The Database Management service must be enabled.
  • The database must be an Enterprise Edition, version or higher.


To exit the Performance Hub page and to go back to the database details page, click Close at the bottom-left of the page.

To learn more about Base Database Service, see: