The screenshot has the title "Edit Window: Monday Window." Underneath are the following buttons: Execute on Multiple Databases, Show SQL, Revert, and Apply. The name title has the value MONDAY_WINDOW. The resource plan list shows DEFAULT_MAINTENANCE_PLAN. Next to this list are the following buttons: View Resource Plan, and Create Resource Plan. The Enabled label has the buttons Yes (checked) and No. The Priority label has the buttons Low (checked) and High. The Description box shows the text "Monday window for maintenance tasks."
The Schedule section has a Time Zone box. This box contains the text "GMT-8:00." In the Repeat section, the list shows the value "By Weeks." The Interval (Weeks) box has the value "1." The Days of Week label shows check boxes for the days of the week, with Monday checked. The Time label has the time set at 10 p.m.
The Available to Start section has the Immediately button selected, and the Later button unselected. The Date box has the text "Dec 3, 2012." In the Duration section, the Duration box is set to 4 Hours and 0 Minutes.