9 Joins
Oracle Database provides several optimizations for joining row sets.
About Joins
A join combines the output from exactly two row sources, such as tables or views, and returns one row source. The returned row source is the data set.
A join is characterized by multiple tables in the WHERE
(non-ANSI) or FROM ... JOIN
(ANSI) clause of a SQL statement. Whenever multiple tables exist in the FROM
clause, Oracle Database performs a join.
A join condition compares two row sources using an expression. The join condition defines the relationship between the tables. If the statement does not specify a join condition, then the database performs a Cartesian join, matching every row in one table with every row in the other table.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a concise discussion of joins in Oracle SQL
Join Trees
Typically, a join tree is represented as an upside-down tree structure.
As shown in the following graphic, table1
is the left table, and table2
is the right table. The optimizer processes the join from left to right. For example, if this graphic depicted a nested loops join, then table1
is the outer loop, and table2
is the inner loop.
The input of a join can be the result set from a previous join. If the right child of every internal node of a join tree is a table, then the tree is a left deep join tree, as shown in the following example. Most join trees are left deep joins.
If the left child of every internal node of a join tree is a table, then the tree is called a right deep join tree, as shown in the following diagram.
If the left or the right child of an internal node of a join tree can be a join node, then the tree is called a bushy join tree. In the following example, table4
is a right child of a join node, table1
is the left child of a join node, and table2
is the left child of a join node.
In yet another variation, both inputs of a join are the results of a previous join.
How the Optimizer Executes Join Statements
The database joins pairs of row sources. When multiple tables exist in the FROM
clause, the optimizer must determine which join operation is most efficient for each pair.
The optimizer must make the interrelated decisions shown in the following table.
Table 9-1 Join Operations
Operation | Explanation | To Learn More |
Access paths |
As for simple statements, the optimizer must choose an access path to retrieve data from each table in the join statement. For example, the optimizer might choose between a full table scan or an index scan.. |
Join methods |
To join each pair of row sources, Oracle Database must decide how to do it. The "how" is the join method. The possible join methods are nested loop, sort merge, and hash joins. A Cartesian join requires one of the preceding join methods. Each join method has specific situations in which it is more suitable than the others. |
Join types |
The join condition determines the join type. For example, an inner join retrieves only rows that match the join condition. An outer join retrieves rows that do not match the join condition. |
"Join Types" |
Join order |
To execute a statement that joins more than two tables, Oracle Database joins two tables and then joins the resulting row source to the next table. This process continues until all tables are joined into the result. For example, the database joins two tables, and then joins the result to a third table, and then joins this result to a fourth table, and so on. |
N/A |
How the Optimizer Chooses Execution Plans for Joins
When determining the join order and method, the optimizer goal is to reduce the number of rows early so it performs less work throughout the execution of the SQL statement.
The optimizer generates a set of execution plans, according to possible join orders, join methods, and available access paths. The optimizer then estimates the cost of each plan and chooses the one with the lowest cost. When choosing an execution plan, the optimizer considers the following factors:
The optimizer first determines whether joining two or more tables results in a row source containing at most one row.
The optimizer recognizes such situations based on
constraints on the tables. If such a situation exists, then the optimizer places these tables first in the join order. The optimizer then optimizes the join of the remaining set of tables. -
For join statements with outer join conditions, the table with the outer join operator typically comes after the other table in the condition in the join order.
In general, the optimizer does not consider join orders that violate this guideline, although the optimizer overrides this ordering condition in certain circumstances. Similarly, when a subquery has been converted into an antijoin or semijoin, the tables from the subquery must come after those tables in the outer query block to which they were connected or correlated. However, hash antijoins and semijoins are able to override this ordering condition in certain circumstances.
The optimizer estimates the cost of a query plan by computing the estimated I/Os and CPU. These I/Os have specific costs associated with them: one cost for a single block I/O, and another cost for multiblock I/Os. Also, different functions and expressions have CPU costs associated with them. The optimizer determines the total cost of a query plan using these metrics. These metrics may be influenced by many initialization parameter and session settings at compile time, such as the DB_FILE_MULTI_BLOCK_READ_COUNT
setting, system statistics, and so on.
For example, the optimizer estimates costs in the following ways:
The cost of a nested loops join depends on the cost of reading each selected row of the outer table and each of its matching rows of the inner table into memory. The optimizer estimates these costs using statistics in the data dictionary.
The cost of a sort merge join depends largely on the cost of reading all the sources into memory and sorting them.
The cost of a hash join largely depends on the cost of building a hash table on one of the input sides to the join and using the rows from the other side of the join to probe it.
Example 9-1 Estimating Costs for Join Order and Method
Conceptually, the optimizer constructs a matrix of join orders and methods and the cost associated with each. For example, the optimizer must determine how best to join the date_dim
and lineorder
tables in a query. The following table shows the possible variations of methods and orders, and the cost for each. In this example, a nested loops join in the order date_dim
, lineorder
has the lowest cost.
Table 9-2 Sample Costs for Join of date_dim and lineorder Tables
Join Method | Cost of date_dim, lineorder | Cost of lineorder, date_dim |
Nested Loops | 39,480 | 6,187,540 |
Hash Join | 187,528 | 194,909 |
Sort Merge | 217,129 | 217,129 |
See Also:
"Influencing the Optimizer" for more information about optimizer hints
Oracle Database Reference to learn about
Join Methods
A join method is the mechanism for joining two row sources.
Depending on the statistics, the optimizer chooses the method with the lowest estimated cost. As shown in Figure 9-5, each join method has two children: the driving (also called outer) row source and the driven-to (also called inner) row source.
Nested Loops Joins
Nested loops join an outer data set to an inner data set.
For each row in the outer data set that matches the single-table predicates, the database retrieves all rows in the inner data set that satisfy the join predicate. If an index is available, then the database can use it to access the inner data set by rowid.
When the Optimizer Considers Nested Loops Joins
Nested loops joins are useful when the database joins small subsets of data, the database joins large sets of data with the optimizer mode set to FIRST_ROWS
, or the join condition is an efficient method of accessing the inner table.
The number of rows expected from the join is what drives the optimizer decision, not the size of the underlying tables. For example, a query might join two tables of a billion rows each, but because of the filters the optimizer expects data sets of 5 rows each.
In general, nested loops joins work best on small tables with indexes on the join conditions. If a row source has only one row, as with an equality lookup on a primary key value (for example, WHERE employee_id=101
), then the join is a simple lookup. The optimizer always tries to put the smallest row source first, making it the driving table.
Various factors enter into the optimizer decision to use nested loops. For example, the database may read several rows from the outer row source in a batch. Based on the number of rows retrieved, the optimizer may choose either a nested loop or a hash join to the inner row source. For example, if a query joins departments
to driving table employees
, and if the predicate specifies a value in employees.last_name
, then the database might read enough entries in the index on last_name
to determine whether an internal threshold is passed. If the threshold is not passed, then the optimizer picks a nested loop join to departments
, and if the threshold is passed, then the database performs a hash join, which means reading the rest of employees
, hashing it into memory, and then joining to departments
If the access path for the inner loop is not dependent on the outer loop, then the result can be a Cartesian product: for every iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop produces the same set of rows. To avoid this problem, use other join methods to join two independent row sources.
See Also:
How Nested Loops Joins Work
Conceptually, nested loops are equivalent to two nested for
For example, if a query joins employees
and departments
, then a nested loop in pseudocode might be:
FOR erow IN (select * from employees where X=Y) LOOP
FOR drow IN (select * from departments where erow is matched) LOOP
output values from erow and drow
The inner loop is executed for every row of the outer loop. The employees
table is the "outer" data set because it is in the exterior for
loop. The outer table is sometimes called a driving table. The departments
table is the "inner" data set because it is in the interior for
A nested loops join involves the following basic steps:
The optimizer determines the driving row source and designates it as the outer loop.
The outer loop produces a set of rows for driving the join condition. The row source can be a table accessed using an index scan, a full table scan, or any other operation that generates rows.
The number of iterations of the inner loop depends on the number of rows retrieved in the outer loop. For example, if 10 rows are retrieved from the outer table, then the database must perform 10 lookups in the inner table. If 10,000,000 rows are retrieved from the outer table, then the database must perform 10,000,000 lookups in the inner table.
The optimizer designates the other row source as the inner loop.
The outer loop appears before the inner loop in the execution plan, as follows:
NESTED LOOPS outer_loop inner_loop
For every fetch request from the client, the basic process is as follows:
Fetch a row from the outer row source
Probe the inner row source to find rows that match the predicate criteria
Repeat the preceding steps until all rows are obtained by the fetch request
Sometimes the database sorts rowids to obtain a more efficient buffer access pattern.
Nested Nested Loops
The outer loop of a nested loop can itself be a row source generated by a different nested loop.
The database can nest two or more outer loops to join as many tables as needed. Each loop is a data access method. The following template shows how the database iterates through three nested loops:
NESTED LOOPS 2 - Row source becomes OUTER LOOP 3.1
NESTED LOOPS 1 - Row source becomes OUTER LOOP 2.1
The database orders the loops as follows:
The database iterates through
The output of
is a row source. -
The database iterates through
, using the row source generated byNESTED LOOPS 1
as its outer loop:NESTED LOOPS 2 OUTER LOOP 2.1 - Row source generated by NESTED LOOPS 1 INNER LOOP 2.2
The output of
is another row source. -
The database iterates through
, using the row source generated byNESTED LOOPS 2
as its outer loop:NESTED LOOPS 3 OUTER LOOP 3.1 - Row source generated by NESTED LOOPS 2 INNER LOOP 3.2
Example 9-2 Nested Nested Loops Join
Suppose you join the employees
and departments
tables as follows:
SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(d) */ e.last_name, e.first_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id
AND e.last_name like 'A%';
The plan reveals that the optimizer chose two nested loops (Step 1 and Step 2) to access the data:
SQL_ID ahuavfcv4tnz4, child number 0
SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(d) */ e.last_name, d.department_name FROM
employees e, departments d WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id AND
e.last_name like 'A%'
Plan hash value: 1667998133
|Id| Operation |Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost(%CPU)|Time|
| 0| SELECT STATEMENT | | | |5 (100)| |
| 1| NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
| 2| NESTED LOOPS | | 3|102|5 (0)|00:00:01|
|*4| INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_NAME_IX | 3| |1 (0)|00:00:01|
|*5| INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | DEPT_ID_PK | 1| |0 (0)| |
| 6| TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DEPARTMENTS | 1| 16|1 (0)|00:00:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
4 - access("E"."LAST_NAME" LIKE 'A%')
filter("E"."LAST_NAME" LIKE 'A%')
In this example, the basic process is as follows:
The database begins iterating through the inner nested loop (Step 2) as follows:
The database searches the
for the rowids for all last names that begins withA
(Step 4).For example:
Abel,employees_rowid Ande,employees_rowid Atkinson,employees_rowid Austin,employees_rowid
Using the rowids from the previous step, the database retrieves a batch of rows from the
table (Step 3). For example:Abel,Ellen,80 Abel,John,50
These rows become the outer row source for the innermost nested loop.
The batch step is typically part of adaptive execution plans. To determine whether a nested loop is better than a hash join, the optimizer needs to determine many rows come back from the row source. If too many rows are returned, then the optimizer switches to a different join method.
For each row in the outer row source, the database scans the
index to obtain the rowid indepartments
of the matching department ID (Step 5), and joins it to theemployees
rows. For example:Abel,Ellen,80,departments_rowid Ande,Sundar,80,departments_rowid Atkinson,Mozhe,50,departments_rowid Austin,David,60,departments_rowid
These rows become the outer row source for the outer nested loop (Step 1).
The database iterates through the outer nested loop as follows:
The database reads the first row in outer row source.
For example:
The database uses the
rowid to retrieve the corresponding row fromdepartments
(Step 6), and then joins the result to obtain the requested values (Step 1).For example:
The database reads the next row in the outer row source, uses the
rowid to retrieve the corresponding row fromdepartments
(Step 6), and iterates through the loop until all rows are retrieved.The result set has the following form:
Abel,Ellen,80,Sales Ande,Sundar,80,Sales Atkinson,Mozhe,50,Shipping Austin,David,60,IT
Current Implementation for Nested Loops Joins
Oracle Database 11g introduced a new implementation for nested loops that reduces overall latency for physical I/O.
When an index or a table block is not in the buffer cache and is needed to process the join, a physical I/O is required. The database can batch multiple physical I/O requests and process them using a vector I/O (array) instead of one at a time. The database sends an array of rowids to the operating system, which performs the read.
As part of the new implementation, two NESTED LOOPS
join row sources might appear in the execution plan where only one would have appeared in prior releases. In such cases, Oracle Database allocates one NESTED LOOPS
join row source to join the values from the table on the outer side of the join with the index on the inner side. A second row source is allocated to join the result of the first join, which includes the rowids stored in the index, with the table on the inner side of the join.
Consider the query in "Original Implementation for Nested Loops Joins". In the current implementation, the execution plan for this query might be as follows:
| Id | Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost%CPU| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 19 | 722 | 3 (0)|00:00:01|
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
| 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | 19 | 722 | 3 (0)|00:00:01|
|* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPARTMENTS | 2 | 32 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
|* 4 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX | 10 | | 0 (0)|00:00:01|
| 5 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMPLOYEES | 10 | 220 | 1 (0)|00:00:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
3 - filter("D"."DEPARTMENT_NAME"='Marketing' OR "D"."DEPARTMENT_NAME"='Sales')
In this case, rows from the hr.departments
table form the outer row source (Step 3) of the inner nested loop (Step 2). The index emp_department_ix
is the inner row source (Step 4) of the inner nested loop. The results of the inner nested loop form the outer row source (Row 2) of the outer nested loop (Row 1). The hr.employees
table is the outer row source (Row 5) of the outer nested loop.
For each fetch request, the basic process is as follows:
The database iterates through the inner nested loop (Step 2) to obtain the rows requested in the fetch:
The database reads the first row of
to obtain the department IDs for departments namedMarketing
(Step 3). For example:Marketing,20
This row set is the outer loop. The database caches the data in the PGA.
The database scans
, which is an index on theemployees
table, to findemployees
rowids that correspond to this department ID (Step 4), and then joins the result (Step 2).The result set has the following form:
Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid
The database reads the next row of
, scansemp_department_ix
to findemployees
rowids that correspond to this department ID, and then iterates through the loop until the client request is satisfied.In this example, the database only iterates through the outer loop twice because only two rows from
satisfy the predicate filter. Conceptually, the result set has the following form:Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid . . . Sales,80,employees_rowid Sales,80,employees_rowid Sales,80,employees_rowid . . .
These rows become the outer row source for the outer nested loop (Step 1). This row set is cached in the PGA.
The database organizes the rowids obtained in the previous step so that it can more efficiently access them in the cache.
The database begins iterating through the outer nested loop as follows:
The database retrieves the first row from the row set obtained in the previous step, as in the following example:
Using the rowid, the database retrieves a row from
to obtain the requested values (Step 1), as in the following example:Michael,Hartstein,13000,Marketing
The database retrieves the next row from the row set, uses the rowid to probe
for the matching row, and iterates through the loop until all rows are retrieved.The result set has the following form:
Michael,Hartstein,13000,Marketing Pat,Fay,6000,Marketing John,Russell,14000,Sales Karen,Partners,13500,Sales Alberto,Errazuriz,12000,Sales . . .
In some cases, a second join row source is not allocated, and the execution plan looks the same as it did before Oracle Database 11g. The following list describes such cases:
All of the columns needed from the inner side of the join are present in the index, and there is no table access required. In this case, Oracle Database allocates only one join row source.
The order of the rows returned might be different from the order returned in releases earlier than Oracle Database 12c. Thus, when Oracle Database tries to preserve a specific ordering of the rows, for example to eliminate the need for an
sort, Oracle Database might use the original implementation for nested loops joins. -
initialization parameter is set to a release before Oracle Database 11g. In this case, Oracle Database uses the original implementation for nested loops joins.
Original Implementation for Nested Loops Joins
In the current release, both the new and original implementation of nested loops are possible.
For an example of the original implementation, consider the following join of the hr.employees
and hr.departments
SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, e.salary, d.department_name
FROM hr.employees e, hr.departments d
WHERE d.department_name IN ('Marketing', 'Sales')
AND e.department_id = d.department_id;
In releases before Oracle Database 11g, the execution plan for this query might appear as follows:
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 19 | 722 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMPLOYEES | 10 | 220 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | 19 | 722 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPARTMENTS | 2 | 32 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 4 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX | 10 | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
3 - filter("D"."DEPARTMENT_NAME"='Marketing' OR "D"."DEPARTMENT_NAME"='Sales')
For each fetch request, the basic process is as follows:
The database iterates through the loop to obtain the rows requested in the fetch:
The database reads the first row of
to obtain the department IDs for departments namedMarketing
(Step 3). For example:Marketing,20
This row set is the outer loop. The database caches the row in the PGA.
The database scans
, which is an index on theemployees.department_id
column, to findemployees
rowids that correspond to this department ID (Step 4), and then joins the result (Step 2).Conceptually, the result set has the following form:
Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid
The database reads the next row of
, scansemp_department_ix
to findemployees
rowids that correspond to this department ID, and iterates through the loop until the client request is satisfied.In this example, the database only iterates through the outer loop twice because only two rows from
satisfy the predicate filter. Conceptually, the result set has the following form:Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid Marketing,20,employees_rowid . . . Sales,80,employees_rowid Sales,80,employees_rowid Sales,80,employees_rowid . . .
Depending on the circumstances, the database may organize the cached rowids obtained in the previous step so that it can more efficiently access them.
For each
rowid in the result set generated by the nested loop, the database retrieves a row fromemployees
to obtain the requested values (Step 1).Thus, the basic process is to read a rowid and retrieve the matching
row, read the next rowid and retrieve the matchingemployees
row, and so on. Conceptually, the result set has the following form:Michael,Hartstein,13000,Marketing Pat,Fay,6000,Marketing John,Russell,14000,Sales Karen,Partners,13500,Sales Alberto,Errazuriz,12000,Sales . . .
Nested Loops Controls
You can add the USE_NL
hint to instruct the optimizer to join each specified table to another row source with a nested loops join, using the specified table as the inner table.
The related hint USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(table index)
hint instructs the optimizer to join the specified table to another row source with a nested loops join using the specified table as the inner table. The index is optional. If no index is specified, then the nested loops join uses an index with at least one join predicate as the index key.
Example 9-3 Nested Loops Hint
Assume that the optimizer chooses a hash join for the following query:
SELECT e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id;
The plan looks as follows:
|Id | Operation | Name | Rows| Bytes |Cost(%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 5 (100)| |
|*1 | HASH JOIN | | 106 | 2862 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 432 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMPLOYEES | 107 | 1177 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
To force a nested loops join using departments
as the inner table, add the USE_NL
hint as in the following query:
SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(d) */ e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id;
The plan looks as follows:
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows |Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 34 (100)| |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | 106 | 2862 | 34 (3)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMPLOYEES | 107 | 1177 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS | 1 | 16 | 0 (0)| |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
The database obtains the result set as follows:
In the nested loop, the database reads
to obtain the last name and department ID for an employee (Step 2). For example:De Haan,90
For the row obtained in the previous step, the database scans
to find the department name that matches theemployees
department ID (Step 3), and joins the result (Step 1). For example:De Haan,Executive
The database retrieves the next row in
, retrieves the matching row fromdepartments
, and then repeats this process until all rows are retrieved.The result set has the following form:
De Haan,Executive Kochnar,Executive Baer,Public Relations King,Executive . . .
See Also:
"Guidelines for Join Order Hints" to learn more about the
hint -
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference to learn about the
Hash Joins
The database uses a hash join to join larger data sets.
The optimizer uses the smaller of two data sets to build a hash table on the join key in memory, using a deterministic hash function to specify the location in the hash table in which to store each row. The database then scans the larger data set, probing the hash table to find the rows that meet the join condition.
When the Optimizer Considers Hash Joins
In general, the optimizer considers a hash join when a relatively large amount of data must be joined (or a large percentage of a small table must be joined), and the join is an equijoin.
A hash join is most cost effective when the smaller data set fits in memory. In this case, the cost is limited to a single read pass over the two data sets.
Because the hash table is in the PGA, Oracle Database can access rows without latching them. This technique reduces logical I/O by avoiding the necessity of repeatedly latching and reading blocks in the database buffer cache.
If the data sets do not fit in memory, then the database partitions the row sources, and the join proceeds partition by partition. This can use a lot of sort area memory, and I/O to the temporary tablespace. This method can still be the most cost effective, especially when the database uses parallel query servers.
How Hash Joins Work
A hashing algorithm takes a set of inputs and applies a deterministic hash function to generate a random hash value.
In a hash join, the input values are the join keys. The output values are indexes (slots) in an array, which is the hash table.
Hash Tables
To illustrate a hash table, assume that the database hashes hr.departments
in a join of departments
and employees
. The join key column is department_id
The first 5 rows of departments
are as follows:
SQL> select * from departments where rownum < 6;
------------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----------
10 Administration 200 1700
20 Marketing 201 1800
30 Purchasing 114 1700
40 Human Resources 203 2400
50 Shipping 121 1500
The database applies the hash function to each department_id
in the table, generating a hash value for each. For this illustration, the hash table has 5 slots (it could have more or less). Because n is 5
, the possible hash values range from 1
to 5
. The hash functions might generate the following values for the department IDs:
f(10) = 4
f(20) = 1
f(30) = 4
f(40) = 2
f(50) = 5
Note that the hash function happens to generate the same hash value of 4
for departments 10
and 30
. This is known as a hash collision. In this case, the database puts the records for departments 10
and 30
in the same slot, using a linked list. Conceptually, the hash table looks as follows:
1 20,Marketing,201,1800
2 40,Human Resources,203,2400
4 10,Administration,200,1700 -> 30,Purchasing,114,1700
5 50,Shipping,121,1500
Hash Join: Basic Steps
The optimizer uses the smaller data source to build a hash table on the join key in memory, and then scans the larger table to find the joined rows.
The basic steps are as follows:
The database performs a full scan of the smaller data set, called the build table, and then applies a hash function to the join key in each row to build a hash table in the PGA.
In pseudocode, the algorithm might look as follows:
FOR small_table_row IN (SELECT * FROM small_table) LOOP slot_number := HASH(small_table_row.join_key); INSERT_HASH_TABLE(slot_number,small_table_row); END LOOP;
The database probes the second data set, called the probe table, using whichever access mechanism has the lowest cost.
Typically, the database performs a full scan of both the smaller and larger data set. The algorithm in pseudocode might look as follows:
FOR large_table_row IN (SELECT * FROM large_table) LOOP slot_number := HASH(large_table_row.join_key); small_table_row = LOOKUP_HASH_TABLE(slot_number,large_table_row.join_key); IF small_table_row FOUND THEN output small_table_row + large_table_row; END IF; END LOOP;
For each row retrieved from the larger data set, the database does the following:
Applies the same hash function to the join column or columns to calculate the number of the relevant slot in the hash table.
For example, to probe the hash table for department ID
, the database applies the hash function to30
, which generates the hash value4
. -
Probes the hash table to determine whether rows exists in the slot.
If no rows exist, then the database processes the next row in the larger data set. If rows exist, then the database proceeds to the next step.
Checks the join column or columns for a match. If a match occurs, then the database either reports the rows or passes them to the next step in the plan, and then processes the next row in the larger data set.
If multiple rows exist in the hash table slot, the database walks through the linked list of rows, checking each one. For example, if department
hashes to slot4
, then the database checks each row until it finds30
Example 9-4 Hash Joins
An application queries the oe.orders
and oe.order_items
tables, joining on the order_id
SELECT o.customer_id, l.unit_price * l.quantity
FROM orders o, order_items l
WHERE l.order_id = o.order_id;
The execution plan is as follows:
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 665 | 13300 | 8 (25)|
|* 1 | HASH JOIN | | 665 | 13300 | 8 (25)|
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ORDERS | 105 | 840 | 4 (25)|
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ORDER_ITEMS | 665 | 7980 | 4 (25)|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - access("L"."ORDER_ID"="O"."ORDER_ID")
Because the orders
table is small relative to the order_items
table, which is 6 times larger, the database hashes orders
. In a hash join, the data set for the build table always appears first in the list of operations (Step 2). In Step 3, the database performs a full scan of the larger order_items
later, probing the hash table for each row.
How Hash Joins Work When the Hash Table Does Not Fit in the PGA
The database must use a different technique when the hash table does not fit entirely in the PGA. In this case, the database uses a temporary space to hold portions (called partitions) of the hash table, and sometimes portions of the larger table that probes the hash table.
The basic process is as follows:
The database performs a full scan of the smaller data set, and then builds an array of hash buckets in both the PGA and on disk.
When the PGA hash area fills up, the database finds the largest partition within the hash table and writes it to temporary space on disk. The database stores any new row that belongs to this on-disk partition on disk, and all other rows in the PGA. Thus, part of the hash table is in memory and part of it on disk.
The database takes a first pass at reading the other data set.
For each row, the database does the following:
Applies the same hash function to the join column or columns to calculate the number of the relevant hash bucket.
Probes the hash table to determine whether rows exist in the bucket in memory.
If the hashed value points to a row in memory, then the database completes the join and returns the row. If the value points to a hash partition on disk, however, then the database stores this row in the temporary tablespace, using the same partitioning scheme used for the original data set.
The database reads each on-disk temporary partition one by one
The database joins each partition row to the row in the corresponding on-disk temporary partition.
Hash Join Controls
hint instructs the optimizer to use a hash join when joining two tables together.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference to learn about
Sort Merge Joins
A sort merge join is a variation on a nested loops join.
If the two data sets in the join are not already sorted, then the database sorts them. These are the SORT JOIN
operations. For each row in the first data set, the database probes the second data set for matching rows and joins them, basing its start position on the match made in the previous iteration. This is the MERGE JOIN
When the Optimizer Considers Sort Merge Joins
A hash join requires one hash table and one probe of this table, whereas a sort merge join requires two sorts.
The optimizer may choose a sort merge join over a hash join for joining large amounts of data when any of the following conditions is true:
The join condition between two tables is not an equijoin, that is, uses an inequality condition such as
, or>=
.In contrast to sort merges, hash joins require an equality condition.
Because of sorts required by other operations, the optimizer finds it cheaper to use a sort merge.
If an index exists, then the database can avoid sorting the first data set. However, the database always sorts the second data set, regardless of indexes.
A sort merge has the same advantage over a nested loops join as the hash join: the database accesses rows in the PGA rather than the SGA, reducing logical I/O by avoiding the necessity of repeatedly latching and reading blocks in the database buffer cache. In general, hash joins perform better than sort merge joins because sorting is expensive. However, sort merge joins offer the following advantages over a hash join:
After the initial sort, the merge phase is optimized, resulting in faster generation of output rows.
A sort merge can be more cost-effective than a hash join when the hash table does not fit completely in memory.
A hash join with insufficient memory requires both the hash table and the other data set to be copied to disk. In this case, the database may have to read from disk multiple times. In a sort merge, if memory cannot hold the two data sets, then the database writes them both to disk, but reads each data set no more than once.
How Sort Merge Joins Work
As in a nested loops join, a sort merge join reads two data sets, but sorts them when they are not already sorted.
For each row in the first data set, the database finds a starting row in the second data set, and then reads the second data set until it finds a nonmatching row. In pseudocode, the high-level algorithm for sort merge might look as follows:
READ data_set_1 SORT BY JOIN KEY TO temp_ds1
READ data_set_2 SORT BY JOIN KEY TO temp_ds2
READ ds1_row FROM temp_ds1
READ ds2_row FROM temp_ds2
WHILE NOT eof ON temp_ds1,temp_ds2
IF ( temp_ds1.key = temp_ds2.key ) OUTPUT JOIN ds1_row,ds2_row
ELSIF ( temp_ds1.key <= temp_ds2.key ) READ ds1_row FROM temp_ds1
ELSIF ( temp_ds1.key => temp_ds2.key ) READ ds2_row FROM temp_ds2
For example, the following table shows sorted values in two data sets: temp_ds1
and temp_ds2
Table 9-3 Sorted Data Sets
temp_ds1 | temp_ds2 |
10 | 20 |
20 | 20 |
30 | 40 |
40 | 40 |
50 | 40 |
60 | 40 |
70 | 40 |
. | 60 |
. | 70 |
. | 70 |
As shown in the following table, the database begins by reading 10
in temp_ds1
, and then reads the first value in temp_ds2
. Because 20
in temp_ds2
is higher than 10
in temp_ds1
, the database stops reading temp_ds2
Table 9-4 Start at 10 in temp_ds1
temp_ds1 | temp_ds2 | Action |
10 [start here] | 20 [start here] [stop here] | 20 in temp_ds2 is higher than 10 in temp_ds1. Stop. Start again with next row in temp_ds1. |
20 | 20 | N/A |
30 | 40 | N/A |
40 | 40 | N/A |
50 | 40 | N/A |
60 | 40 | N/A |
70 | 40 | N/A |
. | 60 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
The database proceeds to the next value in temp_ds1
, which is 20
. The database proceeds through temp_ds2
as shown in the following table.
Table 9-5 Start at 20 in temp_ds1
temp_ds1 | temp_ds2 | Action |
10 | 20 [start here] | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
20 [start here] | 20 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
30 | 40 [stop here] | 40 in temp_ds2 is higher than 20 in temp_ds1. Stop. Start again with next row in temp_ds1. |
40 | 40 | N/A |
50 | 40 | N/A |
60 | 40 | N/A |
70 | 40 | N/A |
. | 60 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
The database proceeds to the next row in temp_ds1
, which is 30
. The database starts at the number of its last match, which was 20
, and then proceeds through temp_ds2
looking for a match, as shown in the following table.
Table 9-6 Start at 30 in temp_ds1
temp_ds1 | temp_ds2 | Action |
10 | 20 | N/A |
20 | 20 [start at last match] | 20 in temp_ds2 is lower than 30 in temp_ds1. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
30 [start here] | 40 [stop here] | 40 in temp_ds2 is higher than 30 in temp_ds1. Stop. Start again with next row in temp_ds1. |
40 | 40 | N/A |
50 | 40 | N/A |
60 | 40 | N/A |
70 | 40 | N/A |
. | 60 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
The database proceeds to the next row in temp_ds1
, which is 40
. As shown in the following table, the database starts at the number of its last match in temp_ds2
, which was 20
, and then proceeds through temp_ds2
looking for a match.
Table 9-7 Start at 40 in temp_ds1
temp_ds1 | temp_ds2 | Action |
10 | 20 | N/A |
20 | 20 [start at last match] | 20 in temp_ds2 is lower than 40 in temp_ds1. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
30 | 40 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
40 [start here] | 40 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
50 | 40 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
60 | 40 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
70 | 40 | Match. Proceed to next value in temp_ds2. |
. | 60 [stop here] | 60 in temp_ds2 is higher than 40 in temp_ds1. Stop. Start again with next row in temp_ds1. |
. | 70 | N/A |
. | 70 | N/A |
The database continues in this way until it has matched the final 70
in temp_ds2
. This scenario demonstrates that the database, as it reads through temp_ds1
, does not need to read every row in temp_ds2
. This is an advantage over a nested loops join.
Example 9-5 Sort Merge Join Using Index
The following query joins the employees
and departments
tables on the department_id
column, ordering the rows on department_id
as follows:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, e.department_id,
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
ORDER BY department_id;
shows that the plan uses a sort merge join:
|Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time|
| 0| SELECT STATEMENT | | | |5(100)| |
| 1| MERGE JOIN | |106 |4028 |5 (20)|00:00:01|
| 2| TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 432 |2 (0)|00:00:01|
| 3| INDEX FULL SCAN |DEPT_ID_PK | 27 | |1 (0)|00:00:01|
|*4| SORT JOIN | |107 |2354 |3 (34)|00:00:01|
| 5| TABLE ACCESS FULL |EMPLOYEES |107 |2354 |2 (0)|00:00:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
The two data sets are the departments
table and the employees
table. Because an index orders the departments
table by department_id
, the database can read this index and avoid a sort (Step 3). The database only needs to sort the employees
table (Step 4), which is the most CPU-intensive operation.
Example 9-6 Sort Merge Join Without an Index
You join the employees
and departments
tables on the department_id
column, ordering the rows on department_id
as follows. In this example, you specify NO_INDEX
to force the optimizer to choose a sort merge:
SELECT /*+ USE_MERGE(d e) NO_INDEX(d) */ e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name,
e.department_id, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
ORDER BY department_id;
shows that the plan uses a sort merge join:
| Id| Operation | Name | Rows| Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 6 (100)| |
| 1 | MERGE JOIN | | 106 | 9540 | 6 (34)| 00:00:01|
| 2 | SORT JOIN | | 27 | 567 | 3 (34)| 00:00:01|
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 567 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01|
|*4 | SORT JOIN | | 107 | 7383 | 3 (34)| 00:00:01|
| 5 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMPLOYEES | 107 | 7383 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
Because the departments.department_id
index is ignored, the optimizer performs a sort, which increases the combined cost of Step 2 and Step 3 by 67% (from 3
to 5
Sort Merge Join Controls
hint instructs the optimizer to use a sort merge join.
In some situations it may make sense to override the optimizer with the USE_MERGE
hint. For example, the optimizer can choose a full scan on a table and avoid a sort operation in a query. However, there is an increased cost because a large table is accessed through an index and single block reads, as opposed to faster access through a full table scan.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference to learn about the USE_MERGE
Join Types
A join type is determined by the type of join condition.
Inner Joins
An inner join (sometimes called a simple join) is a join that returns only rows that satisfy the join condition. Inner joins are either equijoins or nonequijoins.
An equijoin is an inner join whose join condition contains an equality operator.
The following example is an equijoin because the join condition contains only an equality operator:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id;
In the preceding query, the join condition is e.department_id=d.department_id
. If a row in the employees
table has a department ID that matches the value in a row in the departments
table, then the database returns the joined result; otherwise, the database does not return a result.
A nonequijoin is an inner join whose join condition contains an operator that is not an equality operator.
The following query lists all employees whose hire date occurred when employee 176
(who is listed in job_history
because they changed jobs in 2007) was
working at the company:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.hire_date
FROM employees e, job_history h
WHERE h.employee_id = 176
AND e.hire_date BETWEEN h.start_date AND h.end_date;
In the preceding example, the condition joining employees
and job_history
does not contain an equality operator, so it is a nonequijoin. Nonequijoins are relatively rare.
Note that a hash join requires at least a partial equijoin. The following SQL script contains an equality join condition (e1.empno = e2.empno
) and a nonequality condition:
FROM scott.emp e1 JOIN scott.emp e2
ON ( e1.empno = e2.empno
AND e1.hiredate BETWEEN e2.hiredate-1 AND e2.hiredate+1 )
The optimizer chooses a hash join for the preceding query, as shown in the following plan:
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3638257876
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 174 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 174 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 1218 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 1218 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - access("E1"."EMPNO"="E2"."EMPNO")
Band Joins
A band join is a special type of nonequijoin in which key values in one data set must fall within the specified range (“band”) of the second data set. The same table can serve as both the first and second data sets.
Starting in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), the database evaluates band joins more efficiently. The optimization avoids the unnecessary scanning of rows that fall outside the defined bands.
The optimizer uses a cost estimate to choose the join method (hash, nested loops, or sort merge) and the parallel data distribution method. In most cases, optimized performance is comparable to an equijoin.
This following examples query employees whose salaries are between $100 less and $100 more than the salary of each employee. Thus, the band has a width of $200. The examples assume that it is permissible to compare the salary of every employee with itself. The following query includes partial sample output:
SELECT e1.last_name ||
' has salary between 100 less and 100 more than ' ||
FROM employees e1,
employees e2
WHERE e1.salary
BETWEEN e2.salary - 100
AND e2.salary + 100;
King has salary between 100 less and 100 more than King
Kochhar has salary between 100 less and 100 more than Kochhar
Kochhar has salary between 100 less and 100 more than De Haan
De Haan has salary between 100 less and 100 more than Kochhar
De Haan has salary between 100 less and 100 more than De Haan
Russell has salary between 100 less and 100 more than Russell
Partners has salary between 100 less and 100 more than Partners
Example 9-7 Query Without Band Join Optimization
Without the band join optimization, the database uses the following query plan:
| Id | Operation | Name |
| 1 | MERGE JOIN | |
| 2 | SORT JOIN | |
|* 4 | FILTER | |
|* 5 | SORT JOIN | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
4 - filter("E1"."SAL"<="E2"."SAL"+100)
5 - access(INTERNAL_FUNCTION("E1"."SAL")>="E2"."SAL"-100)
In this plan, Step 2 sorts the e1
row source, and Step 5 sorts the e2
row source. The sorted row sources are illustrated in the following table.
Table 9-8 Sorted row Sources
e1 Sorted (Step 2 of Plan) | e2 Sorted (Step 5 of Plan) |
24000 (King) | 24000 (King) |
17000 (Kochhar) | 17000 (Kochhar) |
17000 (De Haan) | 17000 (De Haan) |
14000 (Russell) | 14000 (Russell) |
13500 (Partners) | 13500 (Partners) |
The join begins by iterating through the sorted input (e1
), which is the left branch of the join, corresponding to Step 2 of the plan. The original query contains two predicates:
e1.sal >= e2.sal–100
, which is the Step 5 filter -
e1.sal >= e2.sal+100
, which is the Step 4 filter
For each iteration of the sorted row source e1
, the database iterates through row source e2
, checking every row against Step 5 filter e1.sal >= e2.sal–100
. If the row passes the Step 5 filter, then the database sends it to the Step 4 filter, and then proceeds to test the next row in e2
against the Step 5 filter. However, if a row fails the Step 5 filter, then the scan of e2
stops, and the database proceeds through the next iteration of e1
The following table shows the first iteration of e1
, which begins with 24000 (King)
in data set e1
. The database determines that the first row in e2
, which is 24000 (King)
, passes the Step 5 filter. The database then sends the row to the Step 4 filter, e1.sal <= w2.sal+100
, which also passes. The database sends this row to the MERGE
row source. Next, the database checks 17000 (Kochhar)
against the Step 5 filter, which also passes. However, the row fails the Step 4 filter, and is discarded. The database proceeds to test 17000 (De Haan)
against the Step 5 filter.
Table 9-9 First Iteration of e1: Separate SORT JOIN and FILTER
Scan e2 | Step 5 Filter (e1.sal >= e2.sal–100) | Step 4 Filter (e1.sal <= e2.sal+100) |
24000 (King) | Pass because 24000 >= 23900. Send to Step 4 filter. | Pass because 24000 <= 24100. Return row for merging. |
17000 (Kochhar) | Pass because 24000 >= 16900. Send to Step 4 filter. | Fail because 24000 <=17100 is false. Discard row. Scan next row in e2. |
17000 (De Haan) | Pass because 24000 >= 16900. Send to Step 4 filter. | Fail because 24000 <=17100 is false. Discard row. Scan next row in e2. |
14000 (Russell) | Pass because 24000 >= 13900. Send to Step 4 filter. | Fail because 24000 <=14100 is false. Discard row. Scan next row in e2. |
13500 (Partners) | Pass because 24000 >= 13400. Send to Step 4 filter. | Fail because 24000 <=13600 is false. Discard row. Scan next row in e2. |
As shown in the preceding table, every e2
row necessarily passes the Step 5 filter because the e2
salaries are sorted in descending order. Thus, the Step 5 filter always sends the row to the Step 4 filter. Because the e2
salaries are sorted in descending order, the Step 4 filter necessarily fails every row starting with 17000 (Kochhar)
. The inefficiency occurs because the database tests every subsequent row in e2
against the Step 5 filter, which necessarily passes, and then against the Step 4 filter, which necessarily fails.
Example 9-8 Query With Band Join Optimization
Starting in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), the database optimizes the band join by using the following plan, which does not have a separate FILTER
| Id | Operation | Name |
| 1 | MERGE JOIN | |
| 2 | SORT JOIN | |
|* 4 | SORT JOIN | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
4 - access(INTERNAL_FUNCTION("E1"."SALARY")>="E2"."SALARY"-100)
filter(("E1"."SALARY"<="E2"."SALARY"+100 AND
The difference is that Step 4 uses Boolean AND
logic for the two predicates to create a single filter. Instead of checking a row against one filter, and then sending it to a different row source for checking against a second filter, the database performs one check against one filter. If the check fails, then processing stops.
In this example, the query begins the first iteration of e1
, which begins with 24000 (King)
. The following figure represents the range. e2
values below 23900 and above 24100 fall outside the range.
The following table shows that the database tests the first row of e2
, which is 24000 (King)
, against the Step 4 filter. The row passes the test, so the database sends the row to be merged. The next row in e2
is 17000 (Kochhar)
. This row falls outside of the range (band) and thus does not satisfy the filter predicate, so the database stops testing e2
rows in this iteration. The database stops testing because the descending sort of e2
ensures that all subsequent rows in e2
fail the filter test. Thus, the database can proceed to the second iteration of e1
Table 9-10 First Iteration of e1: Single SORT JOIN
Scan e2 | Filter 4 (e1.sal >= e2.sal – 100) AND (e1.sal <= e2.sal + 100) |
24000 (King) |
Passes test because it is true that Send row to |
17000 (Kochhar) |
Fails test because it is false that Stop scanning |
17000 (De Haan) | n/a |
14000 (Russell) | n/a |
13500 (Partners) | n/a |
In this way, the band join optimization eliminates unnecessary processing. Instead of scanning every row in e2
as in the unoptimized case, the database scans only the minimum two rows.
Outer Joins
An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and also rows from one table for which no rows from the other table satisfy the condition. Thus, the result set of an outer join is the superset of an inner join.
In ANSI syntax, the OUTER JOIN
clause specifies an outer join. In the FROM
clause, the left table appears to the left of the OUTER JOIN
keywords, and the right table appears to the right of these keywords. The left table is also called the outer table, and the right table is also called the inner table. For example, in the following statement the employees
table is the left or outer table:
SELECT employee_id, last_name, first_name
FROM employees LEFT OUTER JOIN departments
ON (employees.department_id=departments.departments_id);
Outer joins require the outer-joined table to be the driving table. In the preceding example, employees
is the driving table, and departments
is the driven-to table.
Nested Loops Outer Joins
The database uses this operation to loop through an outer join between two tables. The outer join returns the outer (preserved) table rows, even when no corresponding rows are in the inner (optional) table.
In a standard nested loop, the optimizer chooses the order of tables—which is the driving table and which the driven table—based on the cost. However, in a nested loop outer join, the join condition determines the order of tables. The database uses the outer, row-preserved table to drive to the inner table.
The optimizer uses nested loops joins to process an outer join in the following circumstances:
It is possible to drive from the outer table to the inner table.
Data volume is low enough to make the nested loop method efficient.
For an example of a nested loop outer join, you can add the USE_NL
hint to Example 9-9 to instruct the optimizer to use a nested loop. For example:
SELECT /*+ USE_NL(c o) */ cust_last_name,
SUM(NVL2(o.customer_id,0,1)) "Count"
FROM customers c, orders o
WHERE c.credit_limit > 1000
AND c.customer_id = o.customer_id(+)
GROUP BY cust_last_name;
Hash Join Outer Joins
The optimizer uses hash joins for processing an outer join when either the data volume is large enough to make a hash join efficient, or it is impossible to drive from the outer table to the inner table.
The cost determines the order of tables. The outer table, including preserved rows, may be used to build the hash table, or it may be used to probe the hash table.
Example 9-9 Hash Join Outer Joins
This example shows a typical hash join outer join query, and its execution plan. In this example, all the customers with credit limits greater than 1000 are queried. An outer join is needed so that the query captures customers who have no orders.
The outer table is
. -
The inner table is
. -
The join preserves the
rows, including those rows without a corresponding row inorders
You could use a NOT EXISTS
subquery to return the rows. However, because you are querying all the rows in the table, the hash join performs better (unless the NOT EXISTS
subquery is not nested).
SELECT cust_last_name, SUM(NVL2(o.customer_id,0,1)) "Count"
FROM customers c, orders o
WHERE c.credit_limit > 1000
AND c.customer_id = o.customer_id(+)
GROUP BY cust_last_name;
| Id | Operation | Name |Rows |Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 7 (100)| |
| 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 168 | 3192 | 7 (29)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 318 | 6042 | 6 (17)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| CUSTOMERS | 260 | 3900 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| ORDERS | 105 | 420 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("C"."CUSTOMER_ID"="O"."CUSTOMER_ID")
3 - filter("C"."CREDIT_LIMIT">1000)
4 - filter("O"."CUSTOMER_ID">0)
The query looks for customers which satisfy various conditions. An outer join returns NULL
for the inner table columns along with the outer (preserved) table rows when it does not find any corresponding rows in the inner table. This operation finds all the customers
rows that do not have any orders
In this case, the outer join condition is the following:
customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id(+)
The components of this condition represent the following:
Example 9-10 Outer Join to a Multitable View
In this example, the outer join is to a multitable view. The optimizer cannot drive into the view like in a normal join or push the predicates, so it builds the entire row set of the view.
SELECT c.cust_last_name, sum(revenue)
FROM customers c, v_orders o
WHERE c.credit_limit > 2000
AND o.customer_id(+) = c.customer_id
GROUP BY c.cust_last_name;
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 144 | 4608 | 16 (32)|
| 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 144 | 4608 | 16 (32)|
|* 2 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 663 | 21216 | 15 (27)|
|* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | CUSTOMERS | 195 | 2925 | 6 (17)|
| 4 | VIEW | V_ORDERS | 665 | 11305 | |
| 5 | HASH GROUP BY | | 665 | 15960 | 9 (34)|
|* 6 | HASH JOIN | | 665 | 15960 | 8 (25)|
|* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| ORDERS | 105 | 840 | 4 (25)|
| 8 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| ORDER_ITEMS | 665 | 10640 | 4 (25)|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("O"."CUSTOMER_ID"(+)="C"."CUSTOMER_ID")
3 - filter("C"."CREDIT_LIMIT">2000)
6 - access("O"."ORDER_ID"="L"."ORDER_ID")
7 - filter("O"."CUSTOMER_ID">0)
The view definition is as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE view v_orders AS
SELECT l.product_id, SUM(l.quantity*unit_price) revenue,
o.order_id, o.customer_id
FROM orders o, order_items l
WHERE o.order_id = l.order_id
GROUP BY l.product_id, o.order_id, o.customer_id;
Sort Merge Outer Joins
When an outer join cannot drive from the outer (preserved) table to the inner (optional) table, it cannot use a hash join or nested loops joins.
In this case, it uses the sort merge outer join.
The optimizer uses sort merge for an outer join in the following cases:
A nested loops join is inefficient. A nested loops join can be inefficient because of data volumes.
The optimizer finds it is cheaper to use a sort merge over a hash join because of sorts required by other operations.
Full Outer Joins
A full outer join is a combination of the left and right outer joins.
In addition to the inner join, rows from both tables that have not been returned in the result of the inner join are preserved and extended with nulls. In other words, full outer joins join tables together, yet show rows with no corresponding rows in the joined tables.
Example 9-11 Full Outer Join
The following query retrieves all departments and all employees in each department, but also includes:
Any employees without departments
Any departments without employees
SELECT d.department_id, e.employee_id
FROM employees e FULL OUTER JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
ORDER BY d.department_id;
The statement produces the following output:
------------- -----------
10 200
20 201
20 202
30 114
30 115
30 116
125 rows selected.
Example 9-12 Execution Plan for a Full Outer Join
Starting with Oracle Database 11g, Oracle Database automatically uses a native execution method based on a hash join for executing full outer joins whenever possible. When the database uses the new method to execute a full outer join, the execution plan for the query contains HASH JOIN FULL OUTER
. The query in Example 9-11 uses the following execution plan:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | |122 | 4758 | 6 (34)|00:0 0:01|
| 1 | SORT ORDER BY | |122 | 4758 | 6 (34)|00:0 0:01|
| 2 | VIEW | VW_FOJ_0 |122 | 4758 | 5 (20)|00:0 0:01|
|*3 | HASH JOIN FULL OUTER | |122 | 1342 | 5 (20)|00:0 0:01|
| 4 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| DEPT_ID_PK | 27 | 108 | 2 (0)|00:0 0:01|
| 5 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMPLOYEES |107 | 749 | 2 (0)|00:0 0:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
is included in the preceding plan (Step 3), indicating that the query uses the hash full outer join execution method. Typically, when the full outer join condition between two tables is an equijoin, the hash full outer join execution method is possible, and Oracle Database uses it automatically.
To instruct the optimizer to consider using the hash full outer join execution method, apply the NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN
hint. To instruct the optimizer not to consider using the hash full outer join execution method, apply the NO_NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN
hint instructs the optimizer to exclude the native execution method when joining each specified table. Instead, the full outer join is executed as a union of left outer join and an antijoin.
Multiple Tables on the Left of an Outer Join
In Oracle Database 12c, multiple tables may exist on the left side of an outer-joined table.
This enhancement enables Oracle Database to merge a view that contains multiple tables and appears on the left of the outer join. In releases before Oracle Database 12c, a query such as the following was invalid, and would trigger an ORA-01417
error message:
SELECT t1.d, t3.c
FROM t1, t2, t3
WHERE t1.z = t2.z
AND t1.x = t3.x (+)
AND t2.y = t3.y (+);
Starting in Oracle Database 12c, the preceding query is valid.
A semijoin is a join between two data sets that returns a row from the first set when a matching row exists in the subquery data set.
The database stops processing the second data set at the first match. Thus, optimization does not duplicate rows from the first data set when multiple rows in the second data set satisfy the subquery criteria.
Semijoins and antijoins are considered join types even though the SQL constructs that cause them are subqueries. They are internal algorithms that the optimizer uses to flatten subquery constructs so that they can be resolved in a join-like way.
When the Optimizer Considers Semijoins
A semijoin avoids returning a huge number of rows when a query only needs to determine whether a match exists.
With large data sets, this optimization can result in significant time savings over a nested loops join that must loop through every record returned by the inner query for every row in the outer query. The optimizer can apply the semijoin optimization to nested loops joins, hash joins, and sort merge joins.
The optimizer may choose a semijoin in the following circumstances:
The statement uses either an
clause. -
The statement contains a subquery in the
clause. -
clause is not contained inside anOR
How Semijoins Work
The semijoin optimization is implemented differently depending on what type of join is used.
The following pseudocode shows a semijoin for a nested loops join:
FOR ds1_row IN ds1 LOOP
match := false;
FOR ds2_row IN ds2_subquery LOOP
IF (ds1_row matches ds2_row) THEN
match := true;
EXIT -- stop processing second data set when a match is found
IF (match = true) THEN
RETURN ds1_row
In the preceding pseudocode, ds1
is the first data set, and ds2_subquery
is the subquery data set. The code obtains the first row from the first data set, and then loops through the subquery data set looking for a match. The code exits the inner loop as soon as it finds a match, and then begins processing the next row in the first data set.
Example 9-13 Semijoin Using WHERE EXISTS
The following query uses a WHERE EXISTS
clause to list only the departments that contain employees:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
FROM employees
WHERE employees.department_id = departments.department_id)
The execution plan reveals a NESTED LOOPS SEMI
operation in Step 1:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 2 (100)| |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS SEMI | |11 | 209 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS |27 | 432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX |44 | 132 | 0 (0)| |
For each row in departments
, which forms the outer loop, the database obtains the department ID, and then probes the employees.department_id
index for matching entries. Conceptually, the index looks as follows:
If the first entry in the departments
table is department 30
, then the database performs a range scan of the index until it finds the first 30
entry, at which point it stops reading the index and returns the matching row from departments
. If the next row in the outer loop is department 20
, then the database scans the index for a 20
entry, and not finding any matches, performs the next iteration of the outer loop. The database proceeds in this way until all matching rows are returned.
Example 9-14 Semijoin Using IN
The following query uses a IN
clause to list only the departments that contain employees:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE department_id IN
(SELECT department_id
FROM employees);
The execution plan reveals a NESTED LOOPS SEMI
operation in Step 1:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 2 (100)| |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS SEMI | |11 | 209 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS |27 | 432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX |44 | 132 | 0 (0)| |
The plan is identical to the plan in Example 9-13.
An antijoin is a join between two data sets that returns a row from the first set when a matching row does not exist in the subquery data set.
Like a semijoin, an antijoin stops processing the subquery data set when the first match is found. Unlike a semijoin, the antijoin only returns a row when no match is found.
When the Optimizer Considers Antijoins
An antijoin avoids unnecessary processing when a query only needs to return a row when a match does not exist.
With large data sets, this optimization can result in significant time savings over a nested loops join. The latter join must loop through every record returned by the inner query for every row in the outer query. The optimizer can apply the antijoin optimization to nested loops joins, hash joins, and sort merge joins.
The optimizer may choose an antijoin in the following circumstances:
The statement uses either the
clause. -
The statement has a subquery in the
clause. -
clause is not contained inside anOR
branch. -
The statement performs an outer join and applies an
condition to a join column, as in the following example:SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY EXPLAIN SELECT emp.* FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno(+) AND dept.deptno IS NULL Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 1543991079 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 14 | 1400 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | HASH JOIN ANTI | | 14 | 1400 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 1218 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT | 4 | 52 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - access("EMP"."DEPTNO"="DEPT"."DEPTNO") Note ----- - dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)
How Antijoins Work
The antijoin optimization is implemented differently depending on what type of join is used.
The following pseudocode shows an antijoin for a nested loops join:
FOR ds1_row IN ds1 LOOP
match := true;
FOR ds2_row IN ds2 LOOP
IF (ds1_row matches ds2_row) THEN
match := false;
EXIT -- stop processing second data set when a match is found
IF (match = true) THEN
RETURN ds1_row
In the preceding pseudocode, ds1
is the first data set, and ds2
is the second data set. The code obtains the first row from the first data set, and then loops through the second data set looking for a match. The code exits the inner loop as soon as it finds a match, and begins processing the next row in the first data set.
Example 9-15 Semijoin Using WHERE EXISTS
The following query uses a WHERE EXISTS
clause to list only the departments that contain employees:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
FROM employees
WHERE employees.department_id = departments.department_id)
The execution plan reveals a NESTED LOOPS SEMI
operation in Step 1:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes |Cost(%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 2 (100)| |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS SEMI | |11 | 209 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS |27 | 432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX |44 | 132 | 0 (0)| |
For each row in departments
, which forms the outer loop, the database obtains the department ID, and then probes the employees.department_id
index for matching entries. Conceptually, the index looks as follows:
If the first record in the departments
table is department 30
, then the database performs a range scan of the index until it finds the first 30
entry, at which point it stops reading the index and returns the matching row from departments
. If the next row in the outer loop is department 20
, then the database scans the index for a 20
entry, and not finding any matches, performs the next iteration of the outer loop. The database proceeds in this way until all matching rows are returned.
How Antijoins Handle Nulls
For semijoins, IN
are functionally equivalent. However, NOT IN
are not functionally equivalent because of nulls.
If a null value is returned to a NOT IN
operator, then the statement returns no records. To see why, consider the following WHERE
WHERE department_id NOT IN (null, 10, 20)
The database tests the preceding expression as follows:
WHERE (department_id != null)
AND (department_id != 10)
AND (department_id != 20)
For the entire expression to be true
, each individual condition must be true
. However, a null value cannot be compared to another value, so the department_id !=null
condition cannot be true
, and thus the whole expression is always false
. The following techniques enable a statement to return records even when nulls are returned to the NOT IN
Apply an
function to the columns returned by the subquery. -
Add an
predicate to the subquery. -
In contrast to NOT IN
clause only considers predicates that return the existence of a match, and ignores any row that does not match or could not be determined because of nulls. If at least one row in the subquery matches the row from the outer query, then NOT EXISTS
returns false
. If no tuples match, then NOT EXISTS
returns true
. The presence of nulls in the subquery does not affect the search for matching records.
In releases earlier than Oracle Database 11g, the optimizer could not use an antijoin optimization when nulls could be returned by a subquery. However, starting in Oracle Database 11g, the ANTI NA
) optimizations described in the following sections enable the optimizer to use an antijoin even when nulls are possible.
Example 9-16 Antijoin Using NOT IN
Suppose that a user issues the following query with a NOT IN
clause to list the departments that contain no employees:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE department_id NOT IN
(SELECT department_id
FROM employees);
The preceding query returns no rows even though several departments contain no employees. This result, which was not intended by the user, occurs because the employees.department_id
column is nullable.
The execution plan reveals a NESTED LOOPS ANTI SNA
operation in Step 2:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes|Cost (%CPU)|Time|
| 0| SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 4(100)| |
|*1| FILTER | | | | | |
| 2| NESTED LOOPS ANTI SNA| |17 |323 | 4 (50)|00:00:01|
| 3| TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPARTMENTS |27 |432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
|*4| INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX |41 |123 | 0 (0)| |
|*5| TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMPLOYEES | 1 | 3 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter( IS NULL)
stands for "single null-aware antijoin." ANTI NA
stands for "null-aware antijoin." The null-aware operation enables the optimizer to use the antijoin optimization even on a nullable column. In releases earlier than Oracle Database 11g, the database could not perform antijoins on NOT IN
queries when nulls were possible.
Suppose that the user rewrites the query by applying an IS NOT NULL
condition to the subquery:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE department_id NOT IN
(SELECT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IS NOT NULL);
The preceding query returns 16 rows, which is the expected result. Step 1 in the plan shows a standard NESTED LOOPS ANTI
join instead of an ANTI NA
join because the subquery cannot returns nulls:
|Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0| SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 2 (100)| |
| 1| NESTED LOOPS ANTI | | 17 | 323 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 2| TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
|*3| INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX | 41 | 123 | 0 (0)| |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
Example 9-17 Antijoin Using NOT EXISTS
Suppose that a user issues the following query with a NOT EXISTS
clause to list the departments that contain no employees:
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments d
(SELECT null
FROM employees e
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id)
The preceding query avoids the null problem for NOT IN
clauses. Thus, even though employees.department_id
column is nullable, the statement returns the desired result.
Step 1 of the execution plan reveals a NESTED LOOPS ANTI
operation, not the ANTI NA
variant, which was necessary for NOT IN
when nulls were possible:
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows|Bytes| Cost (%CPU)|Time|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 2 (100)| |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS ANTI | | 17 | 323 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 432 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX | 41 | 123 | 0 (0)| |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
Cartesian Joins
The database uses a Cartesian join when one or more of the tables does not have any join conditions to any other tables in the statement.
The optimizer joins every row from one data source with every row from the other data source, creating the Cartesian product of the two sets. Therefore, the total number of rows resulting from the join is calculated using the following formula, where rs1
is the number of rows in first row set and rs2
is the number of rows in the second row set:
rs1 X rs2 = total rows in result set
When the Optimizer Considers Cartesian Joins
The optimizer uses a Cartesian join for two row sources only in specific circumstances.
Typically, the situation is one of the following:
No join condition exists.
In some cases, the optimizer could pick up a common filter condition between the two tables as a possible join condition.
If a Cartesian join appears in a query plan, it could be caused by an inadvertently omitted join condition. In general, if a query joins n tables, then n-1 join conditions are required to avoid a Cartesian join.
A Cartesian join is an efficient method.
For example, the optimizer may decide to generate a Cartesian product of two very small tables that are both joined to the same large table.
hint specifies a table before its join table is specified.
How Cartesian Joins Work
A Cartesian join uses nested FOR
At a high level, the algorithm for a Cartesian join looks as follows, where ds1
is typically the smaller data set, and ds2
is the larger data set:
FOR ds1_row IN ds1 LOOP
FOR ds2_row IN ds2 LOOP
output ds1_row and ds2_row
Example 9-18 Cartesian Join
In this example, a user intends to perform an inner join of the employees
and departments
tables, but accidentally leaves off the join condition:
SELECT e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e, departments d
The execution plan is as follows:
| Id| Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time|
| 0| SELECT STATEMENT | | | |11 (100)| |
| 1| MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN | | 2889 |57780 |11 (0)|00:00:01|
| 2| TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 324 | 2 (0)|00:00:01|
| 3| BUFFER SORT | | 107 | 856 | 9 (0)|00:00:01|
| 4| INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| EMP_NAME_IX | 107 | 856 | 0 (0)| |
In Step 1 of the preceding plan, the CARTESIAN
keyword indicates the presence of a Cartesian join. The number of rows (2889) is the product of 27 and 107.
In Step 3, the BUFFER SORT
operation indicates that the database is copying the data blocks obtained by the scan of emp_name_ix
from the SGA to the PGA. This strategy avoids multiple scans of the same blocks in the database buffer cache, which would generate many logical reads and permit resource contention.
Cartesian Join Controls
hint instructs the optimizer to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM
clause. By forcing a join between two row sources that have no direct connection, the optimizer must perform a Cartesian join.
Example 9-19 ORDERED Hint
In the following example, the ORDERED
hint instructs the optimizer to join employees
and locations
, but no join condition connects these two row sources:
SELECT /*+ORDERED*/ e.last_name, d.department_name, l.country_id, l.state_province
FROM employees e, locations l, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
AND d.location_id = l.location_id
The following execution plan shows a Cartesian product (Step 3) between locations
(Step 6) and employees
(Step 4), which is then joined to the departments
table (Step 2):
| Id| Operation | Name |Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)|Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | |37 (100)| |
|*1 | HASH JOIN | | 106 | 4664 |37 (6)|00:00:01 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPARTMENTS | 27 | 513 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 3 | MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN| |2461 |61525 |34 (3)|00:00:01 |
| 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMPLOYEES | 107 | 1177 | 2 (0)|00:00:01 |
| 5 | BUFFER SORT | | 23 | 322 |32 (4)|00:00:01 |
| 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | LOCATIONS | 23 | 322 | 0 (0)| |
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference to learn about the ORDERED
Join Optimizations
Join optimizations enable joins to be more efficient.
Bloom Filters
A Bloom filter, named after its creator Burton Bloom, is a low-memory data structure that tests membership in a set.
A Bloom filter correctly indicates when an element is not in a set, but can incorrectly indicate when an element is in a set. Thus, false negatives are impossible but false positives are possible.
Purpose of Bloom Filters
A Bloom filter tests one set of values to determine whether they are members another set.
For example, one set is (10,20,30,40) and the second set is (10,30,60,70). A Bloom filter can determine that 60 and 70 are guaranteed to be excluded from the first set, and that 10 and 30 are probably members. Bloom filters are especially useful when the amount of memory needed to store the filter is small relative to the amount of data in the data set, and when most data is expected to fail the membership test.
Oracle Database uses Bloom filters to various specific goals, including the following:
Reduce the amount of data transferred to child processes in a parallel query, especially when the database discards most rows because they do not fulfill a join condition
Eliminate unneeded partitions when building a partition access list in a join, known as partition pruning
Test whether data exists in the server result cache, thereby avoiding a disk read
Filter members in Exadata cells, especially when joining a large fact table and small dimension tables in a star schema
Bloom filters can occur in both parallel and serial processing.
How Bloom Filters Work
A Bloom filter uses an array of bits to indicate inclusion in a set.
For example, 8 elements (an arbitrary number used for this example) in an array are initially set to 0
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This array represents a set. To represent an input value i in this array, three separate hash functions (three is arbitrary) are applied to i, each generating a hash value between 1
and 8
f1(i) = h1
f2(i) = h2
f3(i) = h3
For example, to store the value 17
in this array, the hash functions set i to 17
, and then return the following hash values:
f1(17) = 5
f2(17) = 3
f3(17) = 5
In the preceding example, two of the hash functions happened to return the same value of 5
, known as a hash collision. Because the distinct hash values are 5
and 3
, the 5th and 3rd elements in the array are set to 1
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Testing the membership of 17
in the set reverses the process. To test whether the set excludes the value 17
, element 3
or element 5
must contain a 0
. If a 0
is present in either element, then the set cannot contain 17
. No false negatives are possible.
To test whether the set includes 17
, both element 3
and element 5
must contain 1
values. However, if the test indicates a 1
for both elements, then it is still possible for the set not to include 17
. False positives are possible. For example, the following array might represent the value 22
, which also has a 1
for both element 3
and element 5
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Bloom Filter Controls
The optimizer automatically determines whether to use Bloom filters.
To override optimizer decisions, use the hints PX_JOIN_FILTER
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference to learn more about the bloom filter hints
Bloom Filter Metadata
views contain metadata about Bloom filters.
You can query the following views:
This view shows the number of rows filtered out (
column) and tested (PROBED
column) by an active Bloom filter. -
This view displays the number of rows processed through each parallel execution server at each stage of the execution tree. You can use it to monitor how much Bloom filters have reduced data transfer among parallel processes.
In an execution plan, a Bloom filter is indicated by keywords JOIN FILTER
in the Operation
column, and the prefix :BF
in the Name
column, as in the 9th step of the following plan snippet:
| Id | Operation | Name | TQ |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
| 9 | JOIN FILTER CREATE | :BF0000 | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
In the Predicate Information
section of the plan, filters that contain functions beginning with the string SYS_OP_BLOOM_FILTER
indicate use of a Bloom filter.
Bloom Filters: Scenario
In this example, a parallel query joins the sales
fact table to the products
and times
dimension tables, and filters on fiscal week 18
SELECT /*+ parallel(s) */ p.prod_name, s.quantity_sold
FROM sh.sales s, sh.products p, sh.times t
WHERE s.prod_id = p.prod_id
AND s.time_id = t.time_id
AND t.fiscal_week_number = 18;
provides the following output:
SELECT /*+ parallel(s) */ p.prod_name, s.quantity_sold FROM sh.sales s,
sh.products p, sh.times t WHERE s.prod_id = p.prod_id AND s.time_id =
t.time_id AND t.fiscal_week_number = 18
Plan hash value: 1183628457
| Id | Operation | Name | TQ |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | |
| 1 | PX COORDINATOR | | | | |
| 2 | PX SEND QC (RANDOM) | :TQ10003 | Q1,03 | P->S | QC (RAND) |
|* 3 | HASH JOIN BUFFERED | | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 4 | PX RECEIVE | | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 5 | PX SEND BROADCAST | :TQ10001 | Q1,01 | S->P | BROADCAST |
| 6 | PX SELECTOR | | Q1,01 | SCWC | |
|* 8 | HASH JOIN | | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 9 | JOIN FILTER CREATE | :BF0000 | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 10 | BUFFER SORT | | Q1,03 | PCWC | |
| 11 | PX RECEIVE | | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 12 | PX SEND HYBRID HASH| :TQ10000 | | S->P | HYBRID HASH|
|*13 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | TIMES | | | |
| 14 | PX RECEIVE | | Q1,03 | PCWP | |
| 15 | PX SEND HYBRID HASH | :TQ10002 | Q1,02 | P->P | HYBRID HASH|
| 16 | JOIN FILTER USE | :BF0000 | Q1,02 | PCWP | |
| 17 | PX BLOCK ITERATOR | | Q1,02 | PCWC | |
|*18 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SALES | Q1,02 | PCWP | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
3 - access("S"."PROD_ID"="P"."PROD_ID")
8 - access("S"."TIME_ID"="T"."TIME_ID")
13 - filter("T"."FISCAL_WEEK_NUMBER"=18)
18 - access(:Z>=:Z AND :Z<=:Z)
A single server process scans the times
table (Step 13), and then uses a hybrid hash distribution method to send the rows to the parallel execution servers (Step 12). The processes in set Q1,03
create a bloom filter (Step 9). The processes in set Q1,02
scan sales
in parallel (Step 18), and then use the Bloom filter to discard rows from sales
(Step 16) before sending them on to set Q1,03
using hybrid hash distribution (Step 15). The processes in set Q1,03
hash join the times
rows to the filtered sales
rows (Step 8). The processes in set Q1,01
scan products
(Step 7), and then send the rows to Q1,03
(Step 5). Finally, the processes in Q1,03
join the products
rows to the rows generated by the previous hash join (Step 3).
The following figure illustrates the basic process.
Partition-Wise Joins
A partition-wise join is an optimization that divides a large join of two tables, one of which must be partitioned on the join key, into several smaller joins.
Partition-wise joins are either of the following:
Full partition-wise join
Both tables must be equipartitioned on their join keys, or use reference partitioning (that is, be related by referential constraints). The database divides a large join into smaller joins between two partitions from the two joined tables.
Partial partition-wise joins
Only one table is partitioned on the join key. The other table may or may not be partitioned.
See Also:
Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide explains partition-wise joins in detail
Purpose of Partition-Wise Joins
Partition-wise joins reduce query response time by minimizing the amount of data exchanged among parallel execution servers when joins execute in parallel.
This technique significantly reduces response time and improves the use of CPU and memory. In Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments, partition-wise joins also avoid or at least limit the data traffic over the interconnect, which is the key to achieving good scalability for massive join operations.
How Partition-Wise Joins Work
When the database serially joins two partitioned tables without using a partition-wise join, a single server process performs the join.
In the following illustration, the join is not partition-wise because the server process joins every partition of table t1
to every partition of table t2
Figure 9-9 Join That Is Not Partition-Wise

Description of "Figure 9-9 Join That Is Not Partition-Wise"
How a Full Partition-Wise Join Works
The database performs a full partition-wise join either serially or in parallel.
The following graphic shows a full partition-wise join performed in parallel. In this case, the granule of parallelism is a partition. Each parallel execution server joins the partitions in pairs. For example, the first parallel execution server joins the first partition of t1
to the first partition of t2
. The parallel execution coordinator then assembles the result.
Figure 9-10 Full Partition-Wise Join in Parallel

Description of "Figure 9-10 Full Partition-Wise Join in Parallel"
A full partition-wise join can also join partitions to subpartitions, which is useful when the tables use different partitioning methods. For example, customers
is partitioned by hash, but sales
is partitioned by range. If you subpartition sales
by hash, then the database can perform a full partition-wise join between the hash partitions of the customers
and the hash subpartitions of sales
In the execution plan, the presence of a partition operation before the join signals the presence of a full partition-wise join, as in the following snippet:
See Also:
Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide explains full partition-wise joins in detail, and includes several examples
How a Partial Partition-Wise Join Works
Partial partition-wise joins, unlike their full partition-wise counterpart, must execute in parallel.
The following graphic shows a partial partition-wise join between t1
, which is partitioned, and t2
, which is not partitioned.
Because t2
is not partitioned, a set of parallel execution servers must generate partitions from t2
as needed. A different set of parallel execution servers then joins the t1
partitions to the dynamically generated partitions. The parallel execution coordinator assembles the result.
In the execution plan, the operation PX SEND PARTITION (KEY)
signals a partial partition-wise join, as in the following snippet:
See Also:
Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide explains full partition-wise joins in detail, and includes several examples
In-Memory Join Groups
A join group is a user-created object that lists two or more columns that can be meaningfully joined.
In certain queries, join groups eliminate the performance overhead of decompressing and hashing column values. Join groups require an In-Memory Column Store (IM column store).
See Also:
Oracle Database In-Memory Guide to learn how to optimize In-Memory queries with join groups