2 Editing Topologies

Node and edge data in a topology can be edited. The operations include adding, moving, and removing nodes and edges, and updating the coordinates of an edge.

This chapter explains two approaches to editing topology data, and it explains why one approach (creating and using a special cache) is better in most cases. It also describes the behavior and implications of some major types of editing operations.

The explanations in this chapter refer mainly to the PL/SQL application programming interface (API) provided in the MDSYS.SDO_TOPO_MAP package, which is documented in SDO_TOPO_MAP Package Subprograms. However, you can also perform topology editing operations using the client-side Java API, which is introduced in Topology Data Model Java Interface and is explained in the Javadoc-generated documentation.

To edit topology data, always use the PL/SQL or Java API. Do not try to perform editing operations by directly modifying the node, edge, or face information tables.