5.18 Network Data Model Tutorial and Other Resources

Network Data Model learning resources are available.

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database-options/spatialandgraph on the Oracle Technology Network provides links to valuable resources to help you get started with Oracle Spatial technologies, including the Network Data Model (NDM). The Network Data Model resources include the following:

  • A Network Data Model tutorial (ndm_tutorial.zip on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/samplecode/spatial-1433316.html) outlines the steps to set up and configure a network, and to conduct the analysis. It also includes sample code and a web application that demonstrates how to use Oracle Maps to display analysis results.

  • An NDM white paper ("A Load-On-Demand Approach to Handling Large Networks in the Oracle Spatial Network Data Model") provides detailed explanations and examples.

  • The NDM editor, provided as a demo intended for small and medium-size networks, is a graphical tool to view, browse, and navigate through data that is stored in the network data model. You can also use this tool to perform analysis on networks (shortest path, nearest neighbor, minimum cost spanning tree, and so on), and to add and delete nodes, links, and paths.

  • NFE (Network Feature Editing) Java API documentation provides examples of NFE capabilities. It also provides electricity and water network examples, and a NFE data dictionary with NFE table descriptions.

    You are encouraged to examine the Java examples before starting development with NFE.

  • The NFE editor is a sample application to create NFE models and manage them. The models can be created in the From Scratch mode or the Over Existing Network Model mode. You can create and manage feature layers, feature classes and features. Additionally, a video presentation shows how to create and manage NFE models with the NFE editor.