


Updates the topology to reflect edits made to the current updatable TopoMap object.



Usage Notes

Use this procedure to update the topology periodically during an editing session, as explained in Process for Editing Using Cache Explicitly (PL/SQL API). Updates are made, as needed, to the edge, face, and node information tables (described in Topology Data Model Tables). The TopoMap object remains open for further editing operations. The updates are not actually committed to the database until you call the SDO_TOPO_MAP.COMMIT_TOPO_MAP procedure.

This procedure performs a level-0 validation of the TopoMap object before it updates the topology. (See the explanation of the level parameter for the SDO_TOPO_MAP.VALIDATE_TOPO_MAP function.)

If you caused in-memory R-tree indexes to be created when you loaded the TopoMap object (by specifying or accepting the default value of TRUE for the build_indexes parameter with the SDO_TOPO_MAP.LOAD_TOPO_MAP function or procedure), you can rebuild these indexes by using the SDO_TOPO_MAP.CREATE_EDGE_INDEX and SDO_TOPO_MAP.CREATE_FACE_INDEX procedures. For best index performance, these indexes should be rebuilt periodically when you are editing a large number of topological elements.

Contrast this procedure with the SDO_TOPO_MAP.CLEAR_TOPO_MAP procedure, which clears the cache associated with a specified TopoMap object and makes the object read-only.

To commit all TopoMap object changes, use the SDO_TOPO_MAP.COMMIT_TOPO_MAP procedure.

For information about using an in-memory cache to edit topological elements, see Approaches for Editing Topology Data.

This procedure is equivalent to using the updateTopology method of the TopoMap class of the client-side Java API (described in Topology Data Model Java Interface).


The following example updates the topology associated with the current updatable TopoMap object to reflect changes made to that object.