9 Deinstalling Oracle Database Free

When you deinstall Oracle Database Free, all components, including data files, the database, and the software, are removed.

If you want to save your data files but remove the Oracle Database Free software and database, then first export the data before you deinstall.

Because the deinstallation process removes all files from the directory in which Oracle Database Free is installed, back up any files from the directory (if needed) before you deinstall. The database will no longer be operational after deinstallation.

Run the procedure in this topic as root or with root privileges.

sudo -s

Run the following commands to deinstall Oracle Database Free:

  • Delete all the Oracle Database Free data files, the listener, and configuration files. After this operation, only logs and the Oracle home software remains.
    /etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai delete
  • This command removes the software. After this operation, some content under Oracle base /opt/oracle will remain and you can manually delete it.
    yum remove oracle-database-free-23ai
  • (Optional) If you only installed Oracle Database Free on the system and have no further Oracle Database software installed, you can also remove the Oracle Database Preinstallation RPM:
    yum remove oracle-database-preinstall-23ai
  • To delete the downloaded RPM files, for example:
    rm oracle-database-preinstall-23ai*
    rm oracle-database-free-23ai*