Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management REST Endpoints

Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management
The operations from the Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management category.
Change the state of a PDB
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status
Clone or Unplug operations for PDBs
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Create a PDB from PDB$SEED or XML
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/
Drop a PDB
Method: delete
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get a pluggable database
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get all pluggable databases
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/
Return status information of a PDB
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status