Downloading and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services

To use Autonomous Database with Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) running in a customer managed environment you need to install ORDS.


Oracle REST Data Services 19.4.6 or higher is required for a customer managed environment with Autonomous Database.

Depending on where you install Oracle REST Data Services for your customer managed environment, do the following:

  • If your customer managed environment for Oracle REST Data Services runs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, then use an Oracle YUM repository and perform a YUM install of ORDS.

  • If your customer managed environment for Oracle REST Data Services runs in some other environment, then download ORDS from the Oracle REST Data Services Download page. See Introduction to Oracle REST Data Services for more information.

  1. In the location where ORDS is installed, create an ORDS configuration folder (this creates a folder and sets up the ORDS configuration environment and settings). For example:
    java -jar ords.war configdir ./ORDSConfig_2

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Linux with a YUM repository the ORDS configuration folder is: /opt/oracle/ords/config.

  2. Edit the ORDS configuration file created in the preceding step ./ords/conf/apex_pu.xml to add or update the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
    <entry key="db.username">ORDS_PUBLIC_USER2</entry>
    <entry key="db.password">!password</entry>
    <entry key="">dbname_low</entry>
    <entry key="">path/to/</entry>


  3. Edit ./ords/defaults.xml as required for your ORDS installation. See Understanding Configurable Parameters for more information.
  4. Ensure the plsql gateway is enabled for APEX support:
    <entry key="plsql.gateway.enabled">true</entry>

    If you want use ORDS with APEX, then you need to enable the PL/SQL gateway in ORDS.