Get a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home



Returns a description of the DBCA job created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home. This Oracle Home is expected to be on the same host as the Oracle REST Data Services server instance. A client requires System Administrator role to invoke this service.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Description of the specified DBCA job created in the Oracle Home.
Body ()
Root Schema : EnvironmentDbcaJobsItem
Type: object
Title: EnvironmentDbcaJobsItem
Describes a Database Configuration Assistant job.
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Nested Schema : dbca_log
Type: array
The output from the DBCA process as it executes.
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Nested Schema : job_request
Type: object
Match All
Show Source
  • JobRequest
    Title: JobRequest
    Describes the DBCA job request.
  • Describes the DBCA job request.
Nested Schema : JobRequest
Type: object
Title: JobRequest
Describes the DBCA job request.
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Nested Schema : container_configuration
Type: object
Match All
Show Source
  • ContainerConfiguration
    Title: ContainerConfiguration
    This object represents container configuration details for a CDB.
  • This object represents container configuration details for a CDB.
Nested Schema : ContainerConfiguration
Type: object
Title: ContainerConfiguration
This object represents container configuration details for a CDB.
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Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
Title: LinkRelation
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