Clone or Unplug operations for PDBs



Clone or Unplug a PDB. These operations have a significant impact on the specified pluggable databases. The unplug operation will delete the PDB. Note that when cloning a pluggable database, the state of the source database will temporarily be set to OPEN READ ONLY for the duration of the operation and reset to its original state. The use of of Oracle Transparent Data Encryption is only supported in topologies where the database and Oracle REST Data Services are on the same host. This service requires db.cdb.adminUser credentials to be set in the pool configuration. ORA- errors need to be reviewed by the user. A client requires SQL Administrator role to invoke this service.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • The name of the new clone PDB. Required when method is specified as CLONE.
  • Relevant for clone operations. As defined in the Oracle Multitenant Database documentation.
  • If defined, the response will contain a JSON object with the information of the script that was generated for execution. No action is taken when this property is true and only the script text is returned.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CLONE", "UNPLUG" ]
    This property defines the type of operation. Note that CLONE may change the state of the source PDB and UNPLUG will result in the PDB being dropped.
  • Relevant for clone operations. Specifies that the source pluggable database data model definition is cloned but not the data. Defaults to false.
  • Source PDB in case of clone or the PDB to be unplugged in case of an unplug operation. This property is optional and the name defined in the URI takes priority.
  • Relevant for clone operations. True for temporary file reusage.
  • Creates a snapshot copy PDB from a storage-managed snapshot. Storage-managed snapshots are only supported on specific file systems. It must not be used with snapshotName, snapshotScn and snapshotTimestamp parameters.
  • The name of the PDB snapshot that the new PDB will clone from. Only one of snapshotName, snapshotScn and snapshotTimestame can be provided.
  • The id of the PDB snapshot that new PDB will clone from. Only one of snapshotName, snapshotScn and snapshotTimestame can be provided.
  • The time stamp of the PDB snapshot that new PDB will clone from. Only one of snapshotName, snapshotScn and snapshotTimestame can be provided.
  • A Path specified for sparse clone snapshot copy. (Optional)
  • TDE export for unplug operations.
  • TDE keystore path is required if the tdeExport flag is set to true. Can be used in unplug operations only.
  • Optional parameter valid only for cloning (default value is true). If set to false, TDE management operations are not done before or after the cloning process.
  • TDE password for clone/unplug operations only. This is required when the tdeExport flag is set to true for unplug operations.
  • TDE secret is required if the tdeExport flag is set to true. Can be used in unplug operations only.
  • Relevant for clone operations. Size of the temporary tablespace. See size_clause description in Database SQL Language Reference documentation.
  • Relevant for clone operations. Size of the tablespace. See size_clause description in Database SQL Language Reference documentation.
  • Relevant for clone operations. True for unlimited storage. Even when set to true, totalSize and tempSize MUST be specified in the request if method is CLONE.
  • Relevant for Unplug operations.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The response will indicate the successful execution of a series of PL/SQL statements, or return a set of PL/SQL statements that could be executed to create a pluggable database.
Body ()
Root Schema : RESTSQLCollection
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : SQLItem
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : response
Type: array
Show Source
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The following example shows how to clone a pluggable database or unplug a pluggable database by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -i -X POST -u username:password 
-d @request_body.json 
-H "Content-Type:application/json" https://rest_server_url/ords/_/db-api/stable/database/pdbs/devpdb1/

Example of Request Body


The URL structure https://rest_server_url/resource-path, used in the preceding command has the following components:
  • rest_server_url is the REST server where Oracle Rest Data Server is running
  • The remainder of the URL includes the ORDS context root, the version of ORDS Database API to use, the path for this operation and the PDB identifier devpdb1. The pdb_name path parameter in this example is devpdb1. The PDB Lifecycle Management service requires the credentials of db.cdb.adminUser to be set in the pool configuration and in this example the default pool is configured for the container database.

The following is an example request body to create a new pluggable database by cloning the pluggable database specified by the pdb_name parameter in the URL. In this example, fileNameConversions parameter is also provided that results in a FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause included in the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement executed in the container database.

  "method": "CLONE",
  "clonePDBName": "pdb_new",
  "fileNameConversions": "('/disk1/oracle/dbs/devpdb1/','/disk1/oracle/dbs/pdb_new/')",
  "unlimitedStorage": true,
  "reuseTempFile": true,
  "totalSize": "UNLIMITED",
  "tempSize": "UNLIMITED"

The following is an example request body to unplug the database specified by the pdb_name parameter in the URL. The pluggable database devpdb1, is disassociated from the container database and so will not be usable. An XML file, sales_pdb.xml in this example is generated with metadata about the pluggable database after it is unplugged. This metadata contains the required information to enable a CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement on a target container database to plug in the pluggable database.

  "method": "UNPLUG",
  "xmlFileName": "/disk1/oracle/dbs/sales_pdb.xml"

Example of Response Header

The following example shows the response header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2019 12:21:01 PDT
Content-Type: application/json
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the response body with 200 returned in JSON format:

      "response":["\nPL\/SQL procedure successfully completed.\n\n"],
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