Annotation Type EnabledBy

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface EnabledBy
    Provides the means to enable a Servlet based on specified configuration properties. With this annotation, a Servlet will be disabled until the configuration criteria are met.

    For example to have a servlet disabled unless any one of these properties are true, use :

     @EnabledBy(value={"feature1","feature2"}, condition=EnabledBy.Condition.ANY)

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String[] value
      Indicates the configuration properties which are used to enable a servlet provider.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      EnabledBy.Condition condition
      Indicates how the properties should be evaluated.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        java.lang.String[] value
        Indicates the configuration properties which are used to enable a servlet provider. Any, or all, of the properties that evaluate to true will render the servlet enabled depending on the condition property.
        Set of configuration properties that disable this type
      • condition

        EnabledBy.Condition condition
        Indicates how the properties should be evaluated.