All REST Endpoints

Data Dictionary
Services related to the tables and views that provide information about the database.
Get a database link
Method: get
Path: /database/db_links/{owner},{db_link}
Get a partition
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/partitions/{table_owner},{table_name},{partition_name}
Get a procedure that is defined in package
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/packages/procedures/{object_id},{subprogram_id}
Get a specific column
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/columns/{owner},{table_name},{column_name}
Get a specific foreign keys
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/foreign_keys/{owner},{constraint_name}
Get a specific function
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/functions/{object_id}
Get a specific index
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/indexes/{owner},{index_name}
Get a specific object
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/{owner},{object_name},{object_type}
Get a specific table
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/tables/{owner},{table_name}
Get a synonym
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/synonyms/{owner},{synonym_name}
Get all arguments for functions and procedures
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/arguments/
Get all database links
Method: get
Path: /database/db_links/
Get all database objects
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/
Get all foreign keys
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/foreign_keys/
Get all functions
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/functions/
Get all indexes
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/indexes/
Get all materialized view logs
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/materialized_view_logs/
Get all object types
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/types/
Get all partitions in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/partitions/
Get all procedures defined in package
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/packages/procedures/
Get all synonyms in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/synonyms/
Get all table columns
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/columns/
Get all tables
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/tables/
Get an argument
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/arguments/{object_id},{subprogram_id},{argument_name}
Get an object type
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/types/{owner},{type_name}
Get information on a specific materialized view log
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/materialized_view_logs/{log_owner},{log_table}
Data Guard
Services related to Oracle Data Guard. The product must be installed in the Oracle database that ORDS is configured to use.
Add a configuration
Method: post
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/
Add a database
Method: post
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/
Alter a configuration property
Method: put
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/properties/{property}
Convert, enable, disable, or set the role of a database
Method: put
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}
Delete the current database from the broker
Method: delete
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}
Delete the Data Guard instance
Method: delete
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}/instances/{instance}
Enable or disable a configuration
Method: put
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/
Get a database Data Guard property
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}/properties/{property}
Get the current broker configuration
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/
Get the current broker configuration database
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}
Get the current broker configuration databases
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/
Get the current broker configuration properties
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/properties/
Get the current broker database instances information
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}/instances/
Get the database Data Guard properties
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}/properties/
Get the specified broker configuration property
Method: get
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/properties/{property}
Remove the configuration
Method: delete
Path: /database/dataguard/configuration/
Set the value of a database Data Guard property
Method: put
Path: /database/dataguard/databases/{database}/properties/{property}
Data Pump
Services related to Oracle Data Pump. Oracle Data Pump technology enables very high-speed movement of data and metadata from one database to another. Functionality may differ depending on the configuration and permissions the database user has.
Create an export data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/export
Create an import data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/import
Get a file for a specific data pump job
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/{owner_name},{job_name}/{filename}
Get a specific data pump job
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/{owner_name},{job_name}/
Get all data pump jobs
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/
Data Tools
Services related to loading, manipulating and analyzing data.
Creates Cloud Storage Link
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/cloud-storage-links/
Creates credentials
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/credentials/
Creates data load jobs
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/data-loads/
Creates Live Table Feed
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/
Delete a Cloud Storage Link
Method: delete
Path: /data-tools/cloud-storage-links/{owner},{storage_link_name}
Delete a credential
Method: delete
Path: /data-tools/credentials/{owner},{credential_name}
Delete data load job
Method: delete
Path: /data-tools/data-loads/{owner},{data_load_job_id}
Delete Live Table Feed
Method: delete
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/{owner},{feed_name}
Gets Cloud Storage Links
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/cloud-storage-links/
Gets credentials
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/credentials/
Gets data load jobs
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/data-loads/
Gets Live Table Feed notification key
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/{owner},{feed_name}/key
Gets Live Table Feeds
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/
Gets progress of data load job
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/data-loads/{owner},{data_load_job_id}/progress
Gets specific Cloud Storage Link
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/cloud-storage-links/{owner},{storage_link_name}
Gets specific credential
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/credentials/{owner},{credential_name}
Gets specific data load job
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/data-loads/{owner},{data_load_job_id}
Gets specific Live Table Feed
Method: get
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/{owner},{feed_name}
Modify Live Table Feed
Method: put
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/{owner},{feed_name}
Surveys input data
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/surveys/
Triggers data load for Live Table Feed
Method: post
Path: /data-tools/live-table-feeds/{owner},{feed_name}/load_new_data
Services related to the Oracle database installation.
Create a new database in the default Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/databases/
Create a new database in the specified Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/
Create a new DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/
Create a new DBCA job in the Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/
Delete the specified DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: delete
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Delete the specified DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: delete
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get a list of the databases defined in an Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/
Get a list of the databases defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/databases/
Get a list of the DBCA database templates defined in an Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/templates/
Get a list of the DBCA database templates defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/templates/
Get a list of the DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/
Get a list of the DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/
Get a specific database defined in a specific Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/{databaseName}
Get a specific database defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/databases/{databaseName}
Get a specific database template file in a specific Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/templates/{filename}
Get a specific database template file in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/templates/{filename}
Get a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get database Oracle Homes
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/
Get the DBCA log file content for a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/log
Get the DBCA log file content for a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/log
Services related to the Oracle database instance.
Create a data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/
Get a database component
Method: get
Path: /database/components/{comp_id}
Get a description of a specific local listener for this database
Method: get
Path: /database/connections/{host_name},{port},{service_name}
Get a description of all local listeners for this database
Method: get
Path: /database/connections/
Get a specific database parameter
Method: get
Path: /database/parameters/{name}
Get a specific database user
Method: get
Path: /database/security/users/{username}
Get a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/
Get a tablespace segment
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/segments/{segment_name}
Get all database components
Method: get
Path: /database/components/
Get all database parameters
Method: get
Path: /database/parameters/
Get all database users
Method: get
Path: /database/security/users/
Get all feature usage statistics
Method: get
Path: /database/feature_usage/
Get all tablespaces
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/
Get data file usage summary for a specific tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles_usage
Get data files for a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/
Get database status
Method: get
Path: /database/status
Get database version
Method: get
Path: /database/version
Get specific database Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/
Get storage statistics
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/bytes
Get tablespace data file
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/{file_id}/
Get tablespace data file usage
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/{file_id}/usage
Get tablespace segments
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/segments/
Get tablespace space usage history
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/history
Get tablespace temporary file
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/{file_id}/
Get tablespace temporary file usage
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/{file_id}/usage
Get temporary file usage summary for a specific tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles_usage
Get temporary files for a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/
Get usage statistic for a feature
Method: get
Path: /database/feature_usage/{dbid},{name}
Services related to monitoring the Oracle database instance.
Get a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/
Get a session lock that is blocking other sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/holding/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific lock that a session is waiting on
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/waiting/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific session lock record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific session wait
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_waits/{sid},{seq_number}
Get a specific session wait class record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_wait_classes/{sid},{serial_number},{wait_class_number}
Get all alerts
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts/
Get all current sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/
Get all locks held in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/
Get all locks that are blocking other sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/holding/
Get all locks that sessions are waiting on
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/waiting/
Get all long running operations for a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/long_running_operations
Get all session limits
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_limits
Get all session wait class records
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_wait_classes/
Get all session waits
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_waits/
Get all wait class metrics
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/wait_class_metrics
Get an alert record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts/{record_id}
Get count of alerts by message level
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_summaries/by_message_level
Get count of alerts by message type
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_summaries/by_message_type
Get count of different session types
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_summaries/by_type
Get count of recent alerts by message level
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_recent_summaries/by_message_level
Get count of recent alerts by message type
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_recent_summaries/by_message_type
Get current active process for a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/process
Get time totals for all registered wait classes
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/wait_class_totals
Get wait time summary from recent active session history records
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/waits_recent
ORDS REST Services
Custom Oracle REST Data Services built with SQL & PL/SQL.
Create a REST handler parameter
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/parameters/
Create a REST module
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/modules/
Create a REST module template
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/templates/
Create a REST template handler
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/
Create an ORDS OAuth client
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/clients/
Create an ORDS privilege
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/
Create an ORDS role
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/roles/
Delete a REST handler parameter
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/parameters/{id}
Delete a REST module template
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/templates/{id}
Delete a REST template handler
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/{id}
Delete an ORDS OAuth client
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}
Delete an ORDS privilege
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}
Delete an ORDS role
Method: delete
Path: /ords/rest/roles/{id}
Get a REST enabled object
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/{id}
Get a REST enabled object metadata
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/{id}/metadata
Get a REST handler parameter
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/parameters/{id}
Get a REST handler source
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/{id}/source
Get a REST module
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/modules/{id}
Get a REST module source
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/modules/{id}/source
Get a REST module template
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/templates/{id}
Get a REST template handler
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/{id}
Get all current schema recent REST objects
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/overview/objects_recent
Get all ORDS OAuth clients
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/clients/
Get all ORDS privileges
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/
Get all ORDS privileges for a specific role
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/roles/{id}/privileges/
Get all ORDS privileges in an OAuth client
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}/privileges/
Get all ORDS properties values
Method: get
Path: /ords/properties/
Get all ORDS roles
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/roles/
Get all ORDS roles in a privilege
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}/roles/
Get all ORDS roles in an OAuth client
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}/roles/
Get all protected REST modules
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privilege/modules/
Get all REST enabled objects
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/
Get all REST handler parameters
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/parameters/
Get all REST module templates
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/templates/
Get all REST modules
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/modules/
Get all REST modules in a privilege
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}/modules/
Get all REST patterns in a privilege
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}/patterns/
Get all REST template handlers
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/
Get an ORDS OAuth client
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}
Get an ORDS privilege
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}
Get an ORDS property value
Method: get
Path: /ords/properties/{key}
Get an ORDS property value for a schema
Method: get
Path: /ords/properties/{schema}/{key}
Get an ORDS role
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/roles/{id}
Get count of all the REST enabled objects
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/summary
Get current ORDS schema and count of all current schema REST objects and count of all REST modules
Method: get
Path: /ords/rest/overview/
REST enable an object
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/
Set an ORDS property value
Method: put
Path: /ords/properties/{key}
Set an ORDS property value for a schema
Method: put
Path: /ords/properties/{schema}/{key}
Unset an ORDS property value
Method: delete
Path: /ords/properties/{key}
Unset an ORDS property value for a schema
Method: delete
Path: /ords/properties/{schema}/{key}
Update a REST handler parameter
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/parameters/{id}
Update a REST module
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/modules/{id}
Update a REST module template
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/templates/{id}
Update a REST template handler
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/handlers/{id}
Update an ORDS OAuth client
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}
Update an ORDS privilege
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/privileges/{id}
Update an ORDS role
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/roles/{id}
Update or disables a REST enabled object
Method: put
Path: /ords/rest/autorest/{id}
Updates the ORDS OAuth client avatar image.
Method: post
Path: /ords/rest/clients/{id}/icons/
Open Service Broker
Services related to the Open Service Broker compliant implementation that ORDS provides.
Deprovision a service instance
Method: delete
Path: /openservicebroker/v2/service_instances/{instance_id}
Get the catalog of services that the service broker offers
Method: get
Path: /openservicebroker/v2/catalog
Provision a service instance
Method: put
Path: /openservicebroker/v2/service_instances/{instance_id}
Oracle APEX
Services related to Oracle APEX. The product must be installed in the Oracle database that ORDS is configured to use.
Create or Update an APEX application, with a specific application id, in the specified workspace
Method: put
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/{application_id}
Delete the specified APEX application
Method: delete
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/{application_id}
Export APEX application components
Method: post
Path: /apex/applications/{application_id}
Get all applications in the specified workspace
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/
Get all workspaces
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/
Get application statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/application/{application_id}/
Get application statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/workspace/{workspace_name}/
Get instance overview
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/overview
Get instance statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/instance/
Get or export a specific APEX application
Method: get
Path: /apex/applications/{application_id}
Get workspace
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/
Oracle Transactional Event Queues
Services related to Oracle Transactional Event Queues.
Create a Consumer Group
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/
Create a new Transactional Event Queue Topic
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/
Create Consumer Instance
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/
Delete a Consumer Group
Method: delete
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/
Delete Consumer Instance
Method: delete
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/
Delete the Transactional Event Queue Topic with the specified topic_name
Method: delete
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}/
Describe the specified Transactional Event Queue Topic Partition
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/{partition_id}/
Describe Transactional Event Queue Topic Partition specified in Cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/{partition_id}
Describe Transactional Event Queue Topic Partitions
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/
Describes Transactional Event Queue Topic in Cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}/
Fetch messages for the specified Consumer
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/records
Get a Consumer Group
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/
Get all Transactional Event Queue Topics in the schema
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/
Get Consumer Groups in Cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/
Get consumer lag for Transactional Event Queue Topic Partition
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/lags/{topic_name}/partitions/{partition_id}
Get Consumer last Commit Offsets
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/offsets
Get description of a particular Transactional Event Queue Topic.
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/
Get lag summary for Consumer Groups in Cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/lag-summary
Get Transactional Event Queue Topic Partition Offsets
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/{partition_id}/offsets
Lags/Offsets of consumers in the Consumer group
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/consumer-groups/{consumer_group_id}/lags/
List Partitions for a Transactional Event Queue Topic in Cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/
List Transactional Event Queue Topics that belong to the specified database cluster
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/
Produce a message to the Transactional Event Queue Topic specified by topic_name
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/
Produce messages in the specified Transactional Event Queue Topic Partition
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/topics/{topic_name}/partitions/{partition_id}/
Seek to End of Partitions for Consumer Group
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/positions/end
Seek to specified Transactional Event Queue Topic partition offsets for Consumer Group
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/positions/
Seek to start of Partitions for Consumer Group
Method: post
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/positions/beginning
Subscribed list of Transactional Event Queue Topics
Method: get
Path: /database/txeventq/consumers/{group_name}/instances/{instance}/subscription
Services related to the runtime performance of the Oracle database instance.
Get a specified sampled session activity in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history/{sample_id},{session_id}
Get all sampled session activity in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history/
Get all SQL statements ordered by CPU time descending
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/top_sql_statements/
Get execution plan for an SQL Statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/plan
Get historical statistics for a SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/history
Get information on a monitored statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/{sql_exec_id},{sql_exec_start}/
Get monitoring statistics for a SQL Statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/
Get parallel execution information for specific statement execution
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/{sql_exec_id},{sql_exec_start}/parallelism
Get SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/text
Get SQL statistics for a specific session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/{sid},{seq_number}/active_sql
Get SQL statistics maximum values
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/top_sql_statements/maximums
Get statistics for a SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/
Get statistics for all SQL statements
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/
Get the last 10 wait events for each active session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/
Get the specified wait event for specific active session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/{sid},{seq_number}/
Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management
Services related to managing pluggable databases in an Oracle multitenant database instance.
Change the state of a PDB
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status
Clone or Unplug operations for PDBs
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Create a PDB from PDB$SEED or XML
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/
Drop a PDB
Method: delete
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get a pluggable database
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get all pluggable databases
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/
Return status information of a PDB
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status
The list of all snapshots taken for thee specified pluggable databases (PDBs)
Method: get
Path: /database/pdb_snapshots/{pdb_name}/
The snapshots of all pluggable databases (PDBs) in the Container Database
Method: get
Path: /database/pdb_snapshots/
The specific snapshot taken of the specific pluggable databases (PDBs)
Method: get
Path: /database/pdb_snapshots/{pdb_name}/{snapshot_name}
Pluggable Database Snapshot Carousel
Services related to managing pluggable databases snapshots in an Oracle database instance.
Configure automatic PDB snapshots.
Method: put
Path: /database/snapshots/
Create snapshot of the current pluggable databases, the name will be generated
Method: post
Path: /database/snapshots/
Create snapshot of the current pluggable databases, the name will be {snapshotName}
Method: post
Path: /database/snapshots/{snapshot_name}
Delete the specified snapshot
Method: delete
Path: /database/snapshots/{snapshot_name}
get all snapshots of the current pluggable databases
Method: get
Path: /database/snapshots/
Get snapshot mode in current PDB
Method: get
Path: /database/snapshot_mode
Get specific snapshot based on the name in current PDB
Method: get
Path: /database/snapshots/{snapshot_name}