Oracle APEX REST Endpoints

Oracle APEX
Services related to Oracle APEX. The product must be installed in the Oracle database that ORDS is configured to use.
Create or Update an APEX application, with a specific application id, in the specified workspace
Method: put
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/{application_id}
Delete the specified APEX application
Method: delete
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/{application_id}
Export APEX application components
Method: post
Path: /apex/applications/{application_id}
Get all applications in the specified workspace
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/applications/
Get all workspaces
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/
Get application statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/application/{application_id}/
Get application statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/workspace/{workspace_name}/
Get instance overview
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/overview
Get instance statistics
Method: get
Path: /apex/statistics/instance/
Get or export a specific APEX application
Method: get
Path: /apex/applications/{application_id}
Get workspace
Method: get
Path: /apex/workspaces/{workspace_name}/