Get all arguments for functions and procedures



Returns all records from DBA_ARGUMENTS or ALL_ARGUMENTS view depending on role at runtime. A client requires SQL Administrator or SQL Developer role to invoke this service.


Query Parameters
  • The maximum number of records to return.
  • Filtering is the process of limiting a collection resource by using a per-request dynamic filter definition across multiple page resources, where each page contains a subset of items found in the complete collection. Filtering enables efficient traversal of large collections.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

All records from DBA_ARGUMENTS.
Body ()
Root Schema : DatabaseArguments
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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  • DatabaseArgumentsItem
    This object represents arguments of the functions and procedures that are available in the database. The list of attributes may vary depending on database version.
Nested Schema : DatabaseArgumentsItem
Type: object
This object represents arguments of the functions and procedures that are available in the database. The list of attributes may vary depending on database version.
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  • If the argument is a scalar type, then the argument name is the name of the argument. A null argument name is used to denote a function return. If the function return or argument is a composite type, this view will have one row for each attribute of the composite type. Attributes are recursively expanded if they are composite.
  • Character limit for string datatypes.
  • Indicates whether the byte limit (B) or char limit (C) is official for the string.
  • Character set name for the argument.
  • Length of the column (in bytes).
  • Nesting depth of the argument for composite types.
  • Length in decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT).
  • Digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
  • Datatype of the argument.
  • Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved for future use.
  • Specifies whether or not the argument is defaulted.
  • Direction of the argument: IN, OUT, IN/OUT.
  • links
  • Dictionary object number of the object.
  • Name of the procedure or function.
  • The ID of the container where the data originates.
  • Indicates the nth overloading ordered by its appearance in the source; otherwise, it is NULL.
  • Owner of the object.
  • Name of the package.
  • For numeric arguments, the name of the PL/SQL type of the argument. Null otherwise.
  • If DATA_LEVEL is zero, then this column holds the position of this item in the argument list, or zero for a function return value.If DATA_LEVEL is greater than zero, then this column holds the position of this item with respect to its siblings at the same DATA_LEVEL. So, for a referenced record field, this is the index of the field within the record. For a referenced collection element, this is 1 (because collection elements do not have siblings.)
  • Argument radix for a number.
  • Defines the sequential order of the argument and its attributes. Argument sequence starts from 1. Return type and its recursively expanded (preorder tree walk) attributes will come first, and each argument with its recursively expanded (preorder tree walk) attributes will follow.
  • Unique subprogram identifier.
  • Name of the type of the argument. If the type is a package local type (that is, it is declared in a package specification), then this column displays the name of the package.
  • Displays the type of the type described by the TYPE_OWNER, TYPE_NAME, and TYPE_SUBNAME columns.
  • Owner of the type of the argument.
  • Relevant only for package local types. Displays the name of the type declared in the package identified in the TYPE_NAME column.
Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
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