Create entailment



Creates an entailment. A client requires SQL Developer or RDF Developer role to invoke this servce.


Path Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : inf_components
Type: array
List of keywords representing inference components, for performing selective or component-based inferencing (the default is all components defined by the included rulebases)
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Nested Schema : models
Type: array
List of models to use for the entailment
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Nested Schema : rulebases
Type: array
List of rulebases to use for the entailment
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

Successful entailment creation.
Body ()
Root Schema : EntailmentDetailSingle
Type: object
This object represents metadata about an RDF entailment.
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  • a comma-delimited list of the names of models and rulebases used to build the entailment
  • the name of the entailment
    Example: M1OWL
  • the name of the database view that contains the entailed triples
    Example: NET1#RDFI_M1OWL
  • links
  • the number of models used to build the entailment
    Example: 1
  • the owner of the entailment
    Example: RDFUSER
  • the number of rulebases used to build the entailment
    Example: 1
  • the status of the entailment (VALID if the entailment is valid, INVALID if the entailment is not valid, INCOMPLETE if the entailment is incomplete - similar to INVALID but requiring less time to re-create, INPROGRESS if the entailment is being created, or FAILED if a system failure occurred during the creation of the entailment)
    Example: VALID
Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
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400 Response

A valid entailment already exists with the same name or with the same model-rulebase combination

404 Response

RDF network does not exist or one of the referenced models or rulebases does not exist
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