Update an ORDS OAuth client



Updates an ORDS OAuth client.


Path Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • A comma-separated list of URL prefixes. If the list is empty, any existing origins are removed.
  • Description of the purpose of the client, displayed to the end user during the approval phase of three-legged OAuth. May be null if p_grant_type is client_credentials; otherwise, must not be null.
  • Must be one of authorization_code, implicit, or client_credentials.
  • the image in base64 format for use in the show code.
  • the extension of the logo image to be used in the show code.
  • Name for the client, displayed to the end user during the approval phase of three-legged OAuth. Must be unique.
  • List of comma-separated privileges that the client wants to access.
  • Client-controlled URI to which redirect containing an OAuth access token or error will be sent. May be null if p_grant_type is client_credentials; otherwise, must not be null.
  • Is a string of privilege names
  • The email where end users can contact the client for support.
  • The URI where end users can contact the client for support. Example: http://www.myclientdomain.com/support/
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Details of the ORDS OAuth client that has been successfully updated.
Body ()
Root Schema : ResourceItem
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed: true
Show Source
Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

No name, description or support_email parameter provided or A role name or privilege name does not exist or The list of allowed origins or privilege name is too big or A privilege name is too long.

404 Response

OAuth client does not exist

409 Response

An oauth client with that name already exists.
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