Update a specific PDB



This includes unplug, open, or close a PDB. Unplug operation has a significant impact on the specified pluggable databases. The unplug operation can delete the PDB. The use of Oracle Transparent Data Encryption is only supported in topologies where the database and Oracle REST Data Services are on the same host. This service requires db.cdb.admin user credentials to be set in the pool configuration. ORA-errors need to be reviewed by the user. A client requires SQL administrator role to invoke this service.


Path Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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  • Relevant for Unplug operations, if it is true, this will drop the pdb after unplug operation.
  • If defined, the response will contain a JSON object with the information of the script that was generated for execution. No action is taken when this property is true and only the script text is returned.
  • Relevant for open/close pdb operations, Specify this keyword to change the open mode of a PDB from READ WRITE to READ ONLY, or from READ ONLY to READ WRITE. The FORCE keyword allows users to remain connected to the PDB while the open mode is changed.
  • Relevant for close pdb operations, If it is true, then this is the PDB equivalent of the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command with the immediate mode. Otherwise, the PDB is shut down with the normal mode
  • Relevant for open/close pdb operations, specify one or more instance names, in a comma-separated list enclosed in parenthesis. This modifies the state of the PDB only in those instances.
    Example: ALL
  • Relevant for open pdb operations, change the open mode to READ ONLY.
  • Relevant for open pdb operations, change the open mode to READ WRITE.
  • Relevant for open pdb operations, If it is true, then the PDB is accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege in the PDB.
  • Allowed Values: [ "OPEN", "CLOSE" ]
    Relevant for open/close pdb operations, the target state of the PDB.
  • Relevant for Unplug operations, the full path name of the operating system file in which to store information about the PDB.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Description of the specific Pluggable Database that is opened/closed. All data files used by the Pluggable Database are also included.
Body ()
Root Schema : DatabasePluggableDatabasesItem
Type: object
This object describes a Pluggable Database associated with the current instance. The list of attributes may vary depending on database version.
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Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
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202 Response

The response is only for unplug operations and indicates that the dbms scheduler job is created and the information on the scheduler job for unplugging a pdb.
Body ()
Root Schema : SchedulerJobsItem
Type: object
Represents a row in ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS or DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS views. See Oracle Database Reference documenation for more details.
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Nested Schema : LinkRelation
Type: object
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404 Response

Bad request, it could be the pdb name in URL does not exist
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