A.1 Preparing the Two-Tables Schema

OraclePropertyGraphUtils.prepareTwoTablesGraphVertexTab lets you customize the schema of a vertex table using a two-tables schema to store all the vertices in a graph. This operation requires a connection to an Oracle database, the table owner, the table name, and two arrays specifying the property names and their data types. By default, the table schema of the generated table includes the attribute VID, which represents the primary key of the table and is mapped to the vertex ID.

The following code snippet creates a vertex table using a two-tables schema. In this case, the generated table employeesNodes will include four attributes: name, age, address, and SSN (Social Security Number). The primary key of the vertex table is the generated attribute VID.

import oracle.pgx.common.types.PropertyType;
List<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
propertyNames.addAll(new String[4]{ "name", "age", "address", "SSN" });

List<PropertyType> = new ArrayList<PropertyType>();

OraclePropertyGraphUtils.prepareTwoTablesGraphVertexTab(conn /* Connection object */,
                                            pg /* table owner */, 
                                            "employeesNodes" /* vertex table name */, 
                                            propertyNames /* property names */, 
                                            propertyTypes /* property data types */,
                                            "pgts" /* table space */, 
                                            null /* storage options */, 
                                            true /* no logging */);

The preceding code produces a table schema as follows:

CREATE TABLE employeenodes
( VID number not null,
  NAME nvarchar2(15000),
  AGE integer,
  ADDRESS nvarchar2(15000),
  SSN nvarchar2(15000),  
  CONSTRAINT employenodes_pk PRIMARY KEY (VID)

Similarly, OraclePropertyGraphUtils.prepareTwoTablesGraphEdgeTab lets you customize the schema of an edge table using a two-tables schema to store all the edges in a graph. This operation requires a connection to an Oracle database, the table owner, the table name, a two arrays specifying the property names and their data types. By default, the table schema of the generated table includes the following attributes: EID, which represents the primary key of the table and is mapped to the edge ID; EL, which is mapped to the edge label; and SVID and DVID for the source and destination vertex IDs, respectively.

The following code snippet creates an edge table using a two-tables schema. In this case, the generated table organizationEdges will include the attribute named weight. The primary key of the vertex table is the generated attribute EID, which is the default attribute of the table schema, mapped to the vertices' ID (long value) values.

import oracle.pgx.common.types.PropertyType;
List<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
propertyNames.addAll(new String[1]{ "weight" });

List<PropertyType> = new ArrayList<PropertyType>();
OraclePropertyGraphUtils.prepareTwoTablesGraphEdgeTab(conn /* Connection object */,
                                            pg /* table owner */, 
                                            organizationEdges" /* edge table name */, 
                                            propertyNames /* property names */, 
                                            propertyTypes /* property data types */,
                                            "pgts" /* table space */, 
                                            null /* storage options */, 
                                            true /* no logging */);

The preceding code produces a table structure as follows:

CREATE TABLE organizationedges
( EID number not null,
  SVID number not null,
  DVID number not null,
  EL nvarchar2(3100),
  WEIGHT number,
  CONSTRAINT organizationedges_pk PRIMARY KEY (EID)

Note that if the table already exists, both prepareTwoTablesGraphEdgeTab and prepareTwoTablesGraphEdgeTab will truncate the table contents.