8.3.2 Building a Minimal Unsupervised GraphWise Model

You can build a Unsupervised GraphWise model with only vertex properties, or only edge properties or both using the minimal configuration and default hyper-parameters.
  1. Create a Unsupervised GraphWise model as described in the following code:
    Building a Minimal Unsupervised GraphWise Model Using JShell
    opg4j> var model = analyst.unsupervisedGraphWiseModelBuilder().
    Building a Minimal Unsupervised GraphWise Model Using Java
    UnsupervisedGraphWiseModel model = analyst.unsupervisedGraphWiseModelBuilder()
    Building a Minimal Unsupervised GraphWise Model Using Python
    model = analyst.unsupervised_graphwise_builder(vertex_input_property_names=["features"])