5.9.6 Converting an Oracle Database Table to an Oracle-Defined Property Graph Flat File

You can convert Oracle Database tables that represent the vertices and edges of a graph into an Oracle-defined flat file format (.opv and .ope file extensions).

If you have graph data stored in Oracle Database tables, you can use Java API methods to convert that data into flat files, and later load the tables into Oracle Database as a property graph. This eliminates the need to take some other manual approach to generating the flat files from existing Oracle Database tables.

Converting a Table Storing Graph Vertices to an .opv File

You can convert an Oracle Database table that contains entities (that can be represented as vertices of a graph) to a property graph flat file in .opv format.

For example, assume the following relational table: EmployeeTab (empID integer not null, hasName varchar(255), hasAge integer, hasSalary number)

Assume that this table has the following data:

101, Jean, 20, 120.0
102, Mary, 21, 50.0
103, Jack, 22, 110.0

Each employee can be viewed as a vertex in the graph. The vertex ID could be the value of employeeID or an ID generated using some heuristics like hashing. The columns hasName, hasAge, and hasSalary can be viewed as attributes.

The Java method OraclePropertyGraphUtils.convertRDBMSTable2OPV and its Javadoc information are as follows:

* conn: is an connect instance to the Oracle relational database
* rdbmsTableName: name of the RDBMS table to be converted
* vidColName is the name of an column in RDBMS table to be treated as vertex ID
* lVIDOffset is the offset will be applied to the vertex ID
* ctams defines how to map columns in the RDBMS table to the attributes
* dop degree of parallelism
* dcl an instance of DataConverterListener to report the progress and control the behavior when errors happen 
       Connection conn, 
       String rdbmsTableName, 
       String vidColName, 
       long lVIDOffset, 
       ColumnToAttrMapping[] ctams, 
       int dop, 
       OutputStream opvOS, 
       DataConverterListener dcl);

The following code snippet converts this table into an Oracle-defined vertex file (.opv):

// location of the output file
String opv = "./EmployeeTab.opv"; 
OutputStream opvOS = new FileOutputStream(opv);
// an array of ColumnToAttrMapping objects; each object defines how to map a column in the RDBMS table to an attribute of the vertex in an Oracle Property Graph.
ColumnToAttrMapping[] ctams = new ColumnToAttrMapping[3];
// map column "hasName" to attribute "name" of type String
ctams[0] = ColumnToAttrMapping.getInstance("hasName", "name", String.class);
// map column "hasAge" to attribute "age" of type Integer
ctams[1] = ColumnToAttrMapping.getInstance("hasAge", "age", Integer.class);
// map column "hasSalary" to attribute "salary" of type Double
ctams[2] = ColumnToAttrMapping.getInstance("hasSalary", "salary",Double.class);
// convert RDBMS table "EmployeeTab" into opv file "./EmployeeTab.opv", column "empID" is the vertex ID column, offset 1000l will be applied to vertex ID, use ctams to map RDBMS columns to attributes, set DOP to 8
OraclePropertyGraphUtils.convertRDBMSTable2OPV(conn, "EmployeeTab", "empID", 1000l, ctams, 8, opvOS, (DataConverterListener) null);


The lowercase letter "l" as the last character in the offset value 1000l denotes that the value before it is a long integer.

The conversion result is as follows:


In this case, each row in table EmployeeTab is converted to one vertex with three attributes. For example, the row with data "101, Jean, 20, 120.0" is converted to a vertex with ID 1101 with attributes name/"Jean", age/20, salary/120.0. There is an offset between original empID 101 and vertex ID 1101 because an offset 1000l is applied. An offset is useful to avoid collision in ID values of graph elements.

Converting a Table Storing Graph Edges to an .ope File

You can convert an Oracle Database table that contains entity relationships (that can be represented as edges of a graph) to a property graph flat filein .ope format.

For example, assume the following relational table: EmpRelationTab (relationID integer not null, source integer not null, destination integer not null, relationType varchar(255), startDate date)

Assume that this table has the following data:

90001, 101, 102, manage, 10-May-2015
90002, 101, 103, manage, 11-Jan-2015
90003, 102, 103, colleague, 11-Jan-2015

Each relation (row) can be viewed as an edge in a graph. Specifically, edge ID could be the same as relationID or an ID generated using some heuristics like hashing. The column relationType can be used to define edge labels, and the column startDate can be treated as an edge attribute.

The Java method OraclePropertyGraphUtils.convertRDBMSTable2OPE and its Javadoc information are as follows:

* conn: is an connect instance to the Oracle relational database
* rdbmsTableName: name of the RDBMS table to be converted
* eidColName is the name of an column in RDBMS table to be treated as edge ID
* lEIDOffset is the offset will be applied to the edge ID
* svidColName is the name of an column in RDBMS table to be treated as source vertex ID of the edge
* dvidColName is the name of an column in RDBMS table to be treated as destination vertex ID of the edge
* lVIDOffset is the offset will be applied to the vertex ID
* bHasEdgeLabelCol a Boolean flag represents if the given RDBMS table has a column for edge labels; if true, use value of column elColName as the edge label; otherwise, use the constant string elColName as the edge label
* elColName is the name of an column in RDBMS table to be treated as edge labels
* ctams defines how to map columns in the RDBMS table to the attributes
* dop degree of parallelism
* dcl an instance of DataConverterListener to report the progress and control the behavior when errors happen 
        Connection conn, 
        String rdbmsTableName, 
        String eidColName, 
        long lEIDOffset, 
        String svidColName, 
        String dvidColName, 
        long lVIDOffset, 
        boolean bHasEdgeLabelCol, 
        String elColName, 
        ColumnToAttrMapping[] ctams, 
        int dop, 
        OutputStream opeOS, 
        DataConverterListener dcl);

The following code snippet converts this table into an Oracle-defined edge file (.ope):

// location of the output file
String ope = "./EmpRelationTab.ope"; 
OutputStream opeOS = new FileOutputStream(ope);
// an array of ColumnToAttrMapping objects; each object defines how to map a column in the RDBMS table to an attribute of the edge in an Oracle Property Graph.
ColumnToAttrMapping[] ctams = new ColumnToAttrMapping[1];
// map column "startDate" to attribute "since" of type Date
ctams[0] = ColumnToAttrMapping.getInstance(“startDate", “since",Date.class);
// convert RDBMS table “EmpRelationTab" into ope file “./EmpRelationTab.opv", column “relationID" is the edge ID column, offset 10000l will be applied to edge ID, the source and destination vertices of the edge are defined by columns “source" and “destination", offset 1000l will be applied to vertex ID, the RDBMS table has an column “relationType" to be treated as edge labels, use ctams to map RDBMS columns to edge attributes, set DOP to 8
OraclePropertyGraphUtils.convertRDBMSTable2OPE(conn, “EmpRelationTab", “relationID", 10000l, “source", “destination", 1000l, true, “relationType", ctams, 8, opeOS, (DataConverterListener) null);


The lowercase letter “l" as the last character in the offset value 10000l denotes that the value before it is a long integer.

The conversion result is as follows:


In this case, each row in table EmpRelationTab is converted to a distinct edge with the attribute since. For example, the row with data “90001, 101, 102, manage, 10-May-2015" is converted to an edge with ID 100001 linking vertex 1101 to vertex 1102. This edge has attribute since/“2015-05-10T00:00:00.000-07:00". There is an offset between original relationID “90001" and edge ID “100001" because an offset 10000l is applied. Similarly, an offset 1000l is applied to the source and destination vertex IDs.