Deploying the Graph Visualization Application to Apache Tomcat

The following are the steps to deploy the Graph Visualization application to Apache Tomcat.
  1. Download the Oracle Graph Webapps zip file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. This file contains ready-to-deploy Java web application archives (.war files). The file name will be similar to this: oracle-graph-webapps-<version>.zip
  2. Unzip the file into a directory of your choice.
  3. Locate the .war file for deploying the Graph Visualization application to Tomcat. It follows the naming pattern: graphviz-<version>-pgviz<graphviz-version>-tomcat.war
  4. Configure the Graph Visualization application by editing the WEB-INF/web.xml file as explained in Configuring the Web Application Deployment Descriptor.
  5. Copy the .war file into the Tomcat webapps directory. For example:
    cp graph-server-<version>-pgx<version>.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ui.war


    The name you give the war file in the Tomcat webapps directory determines the context path of the graph server application. It is recommended naming the war file as ui.war.
  6. Configure Tomcat specific settings, like the correct use of TLS/encryption
  7. Ensure that port 8080 is not already in use.
  8. Start Tomcat:

    The Graph Visualization application is now listening on localhost:8080/ui.

    You can connect to the server from JShell by running the following command:
    $ <client_install_dir>/bin/opg-jshell --base_url https://localhost:8080/ui -u <graphuser>