Installing the Graph Zeppelin Interpreter Client

To install the graph interpreter into your local Zeppelin installation:


The following steps were tested with Zeppelin version 0.9, and might have to be modified with newer versions.
As a prerequisite, you must have Java 8 set in your system for installing Apache Zeppelin.
  1. Download and install Apache Zeppelin.
  2. Download and install Apache Groovy 2.4.x
  3. Copy the following libraries:
    1. Copy the libraries from the Oracle Graph Client for Apache Zeppelin package into $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx.
      unzip oracle-graph-zeppelin-interpreter-21.1.0.zip -d $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx
    2. Copy the libraries inside $GROOVY_HOME/lib into $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx.
      cp $GROOVY_HOME/lib/* $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx
  4. Configure your graph Zeppelin interpreter client application to trust the self-signed server certificate. See Configuring a Client to Trust the Self-Signed Certificate for more information.
  5. Restart Zeppelin.