8.2.10 Loading a Pre-Trained Supervised GraphWise Model

You can load models from a database.

You can load a pre-trained Supervised GraphWise model from a model store table in database as described in the following code:

Loading a Pre-Trained Supervised GraphWise Model Using JShell

opg4j> var model = analyst.loadSupervisedGraphWiseModel().db().
                modelstore("modeltablename"). // name of the model store table
                modelname("model").           // model name (primary key of model store table)
Loading a Pre-Trained Supervised GraphWise Model Using Java

SupervisedGraphWiseModelmodel = analyst.loadSupervisedGraphWiseModel().db()
     .modelstore("modeltablename") // name of the model store table
     .modelname("model")           // model name (primary key of model store table)
Loading a Pre-Trained Supervised GraphWise Model Using Python


All the preceding examples assume that you are loading the model from the current logged in database. If you must load the model from a different database then refer to the examples in Loading a Pre-Trained Model From Another Database.